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"Vance!" I said pounding my fist on the door.

"Is he even home?" Finney said pulling my hand away from the door. 

"I don't know he better be." I said with annoyance. The door swung open as soon as I said something about him being home and he let us inside.

"So why are we here?" I said looking at Vance who was bitting his nails. 

"Um, Bruce you wanna tell them?" He said looking over at Bruce with a look hoping he would talk first.

"Here..." he said handing me a book with a highlighted sentence on it. I began to read it before dropping the book and panicking. It hit the ground with a loud thud and I stumbled back hitting the wall. 

"Robin!? Whats wrong? what did you show him!" Finney said waving his hand in front of my face before Gwen spoke reading out the page for Finney.

"Nosebleeds can occur around certain people or things that can cause and or provoke t-trauma...?" Gwen said stuttering on her words before slamming the book shut and hugging herself tightly. Vance noticing what was going started trying calm us all down.

"Bruce take Gwen to another room I don't give a shit where just go." He said motioning his hand for Bruce to leave.

"Yeah okay, come on Gwen." He said putting a hand on her shoulder, instead she grabbed him into a hug and sobbed. He stepped around her and walked her to a random room in Vance's house. I think we all knew what Vance and Bruce meant by that sentence based on the way we all freaked out and how worried and distraught they both looked.


"You're a tough kid Gwen." I said patting her head.

"Not I'm not, what tough kid would break down crying like this?" She said through sniffles.

"Well, Gwen it's good to let off some tears every once in a while. Everyone cries, even Vance." I said elbowing her shoulder trying to cheer her up.

"Haha, Vance hopper crying? I wouldn't believe it if I seen it with my own eyes." She said wiping her fallen tears from her face.

"Believe it or not it's true, he worried about you all to death one day." I said rolling my eyes at her playfully.

"Thanks Bruce." She said giving me another hug which I happily returned.

"Your welcome Gwen, anytime." I said.

"So what did the sentence mean?..." she said looking down at the floor.

"Gwen, the grabber he." I said before I was cut off by Gwen.

"I-I already know. I just wanted it to be a lie..." she said hugging me once again only tighter this time.


Once I got robin calmed down he fell asleep in Finneys lap. Me and Finney stayed awake for a good half an hour before I broke the awkward silence.

"You okay kid?" I asked looking at Finney who was playing with Robins hair. He didn't respond he just simply nodded his head "No" before tearing up. 

"Okay I've had enough crying for one day. it's going to be ok Finney." Vance said putting an arm around Finney bringing him close. Finney had fallen asleep resting on Vance's shoulder feeling calm for the first time in ages. Vance rested his head on top off Finneys and slowly fell asleep as well .


"Please Griff! I'm begging you. I don't know Gwen like you do." I asked pleading with griffin to come help me cheer Gwen up. 

"Ok, I might know what to do." He said hanging up.

"Griffin? GRIFFIN! That bitch really just hung up on me." I said putting the phone back on the receiver and walking back to where Gwen was.

"Is he coming?" She said looking up at me slightly.

"Yeah, he's coming kid." I said ruffling her hair slightly. She giggled and pushed my hand away. 

"Thanks Bruce, I see why Amy always talks about you all the time." She said smiling. 

"Oh, thanks Gwen." I said side hugging her. 

I got up and opened the door and immediately yanked griffin inside seeing it was him.

"That bad huh?" He said as I dragged him into the room Gwen was where she was still sitting looking down at the ground.

"Griffin!" She shouted rushing to give him a hug. They both giggled and laughed uncontrollably while they hugged.

"I brought your nail polish you left it at my house." He said handing her stuff to her.

"Aww thanks Griff!" She said opening it and getting to work on Griffins hands. 

"Your welcome Gwen! Anytime!" He said smiling. They painted each other's nails and Griffin did Gwen's hair for about 30 minutes.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go check on Vance, Robin and Finn real quick I'll be right back" I said leaving the room and walking into the living room to see them all snuggled up together sleeping.

"AWWWW!" I squealed. Which woke Vance up.

"Dammit Bruce shut up!" Robin said sitting up rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Killl meee!" Finney said leaning on Robins shoulder.

"Okay out of my house all of you. My mom will be here soon." Vance said getting up and rushing Finn and Robin out of the door.

"Gwen! come on we're leaving!" Finney shouted as he waved bye to Vance and me. Gwen came out of the room with Griffin and hugged Vance and I bye before leaving with Finney and Robin out the door.

"You wanna stay?" Vance said crossing his arms watching the kids walk outside and disappear into the street.

"Yeah sure, why though?" I said leaning on his shoulder.  

"My moms been bugging the hell out of me for you to meet her properly instead of in a hurry like last time." He said rubbing his eyes and sighing out his reply.

"Oh I'd love to meet her properly this time, she's a very cool woman." I said smiling.

"Haha, yeah she is." He said returning the smile.

"You know, it's cute how you care for them." I said.

"Who?" He said playing dumb.

"Robin, Finney, Gwen, Griffin, Billy. Them dumbass!" I said hitting his shoulder jokingly.

"Ok I get it! shut up yamada or I'll kick your teeth in." He said laughing hitting me back. I laughed to at how he was denying it. 

"Oh the bitch is home." He said grabbing my hand and walking outside.

"Don't call your awesome mom that!" I said shoving him as we walked out the door.

"Trust me sweetheart you would not be saying that if you had to live with her." He said smirking.

"Hi Mrs hopper" I said waving at her as Vance put his arm around my shoulder.

"Honey, call me Vanessa, any friend or boyfriend of this dumbass is a kid of mine." She said hitting Vance in the head.

"Dammit woman! Cut that shit out that hurts!" He said rubbing the back of his head. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute Vance and his mom where as "mother and son" as we made our way back inside.

{hey sweet fruit cups sorry if the chapter is shitty I'm  really tired and tried but that's hard when your step dad is threatening to shave you bald because he keeps complaining about hair in his food. Like bitch do I cook? Hell no so how the hell did my hair get in his food. Sorry I'm rambling, he just pisses me off so fucking much if I could kill him in his sleep without leaving you guys and going to jail I would. Passive aggressively 🥰☺️❤️}

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