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(Might have mistakes because once again time crunch and was also talking to my sister while writing this lol) 


"Gwendolyn Blake? The detectives would like to speak with you" the principal said before shutting the classroom door back. I stood up with Ryan giving me a "the hells going on" look. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders because to be honest, I didn't know what was going on either. 

"Gwendolyn have a seat-" 

"It's just Gwen." I said sitting down in the office chair with everyone's eyes starring into me.

"Right, Gwen, we've looked more into alberts case and there is nothing we can do, I mean we've done all we can, but everything comes back to you and your brother." He said writing down on his notepad.

"So your saying I kidnapped my friends all those years ago is that it!?" I said losing my temper.

"No Gwen, listen to us" 

"I don't think you know this, but those idiots I see as family you dumb fucking fart knockers!" I said storming out of the office just to stumble into something.

"Hey watch your! Going? Ryan!" I said wrapping the taller boy into a tight hug.

"Okay! Okay! Good to see you too" he said trying to catch his breath as I let him go.

"Right, sorry, what are you doing here anyway?" I said wondering what he was doing outside of class.

"The bathroom pass goes along way Gwendolyn, besides what would I do without my partner in crime not in class?" he said smiling as he elbowed my shoulder slightly.

"Ha, ha, very funny Ry" I said rolling my eyes at his stupid joke.

"Come on I'll tell you why I really cut class, besides just to find you." 


"No. End of story" the short woman said pushing her glasses further up on her crooked nose.

"Mrs. Leah, we won't be long, we'll simply get the file and get out" I said trying to reason with the older woman. 

"I'm sorry boys, but files are information I can only give to police and the peoples families." She said waving her hand dramatically. 

"Okay, thanks for trying" I said before I pulled vance behind a towards a quieter more secretive part of the library. 

"So, what now, I mean how are we supposed get information on who-know-who know?" Vance said tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"Oh trust me V, we're getting that file" I said pointing to the door that read "file safe".

"Hm, sneaky I like it." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Come on then" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him near the door.

"Okay, how do we get in though?" I said talking about the locked door.

"Do you have a bobby pin?" He asked holding his hand out already knowing the answer to that question. 

"Dude, your are good." I said handing him the small piece of metal that I keep for his hair.

"Are you sure you know what the hell your doing?" I said in whispered voice as to not alert the librarian.

"Trust me love, you learn a thing or two from being arrested as many times as I have." He said smirking before twisting the bobby pin in the lock of the door before the lock fell to floor.

"Shit!" I whisper shouted catching the lock just before it fell.

"Never knew you to cuss," he said with a smug smile written on his face.

"Oh shut up Vance" I said shutting the door behind us once we were in the file room.

"How do we find the grabber- I mean alberts file?" He asked confusion written on his face.

"Well, I believe files are sorted by A through Z so if A is on the left of the room then lets  Look there," I said pointing to the cabinet that read A.

"So let's grab it and go, after we find it." He said pulling the drawer out and looking through it.

We finally found the stupid file and managed to sneak it out of the library before Finney, and the other kids got out of school. 

"Wow, we make a good team huh?" I said waving the new stolen object in my hand.

"Yeah, we do love, now let's get the hell home and find whatever we can on Albert" Vance said throwing his arm around my shoulder walking in the direction of the house.

I leaned into Vance glad we got more information on the asshole and hopefully we're a step closer to stopping whatever he had planned.

{hey loves stay safe and I love you guys also sorry for the short chapter I explained why in  ❤️❤️❤️}

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