Part 6

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It's been a few weeks since we talked to kai and for the first week or so he had questions but now he just wants to forget about it. Annie is coming over in a few days for Christmas along with flyn, his girlfriend Bow and Johanna. Beetee cant come this year because of some big technical event thing that I dont understand.

Hopefully this christmas is a good one because last christmas my mum couldn't make it because of the snow and the kids were devastated and to be honest so was I.

"Peeta have you written the shopping list yet?"

"Yes, boss." He said raising his hand to his forhead

"Hey," I hit his arm ",you know I'm just trying to make sure this christmas is perfect."

"I know honey but you need to calm down the family hasn't arrived yet." I love it when peeta calls them our family no because they aren't but because I think it's so cute.

"I know."

After a trip to the shops the kids helped peeta and I put to shopping away.
"Mummy I'm hungry can I have some sweets? Please?" Nellie pleaded

"Ok just a few" peeta said.

"Were just about to eat dinner peeta." I told him.

Penelope sat on the sofa and ate a bag of jelly beans with kai whilst they watched a movie about a lion who goes on a journey and ends up living with a meerkat and a wart hog. Peeta and I laughed at the fact they were enjoying it and being nice to each other since last night they had a little fight over who was loved the most. Which might I add is a ridiculous thing to fight over because we all know that there is not favouritism in our household.

After the movie was over and we had eaten dinner, Haymitch and effie came over because they were bored. Effie as usual talked about the progress at the shop and nellie begged effie to take her the next day which obviously effie said yes to.

Then all of a sudden Haymitch started talking about the geese and how they were doing to Nellie and I got a little sence that Haymitch was jealous of effie.
"You know the geese miss you hun." He hinted."why dont you come and feed them with me tomorrow before you go with your auntie."
"Ok uncle Haymitch." She said.

I decided that it was best that nellie and kai went to bed since it was 9.30 and way past Nellie's bed time. She went up to Haymitch and gave him a kiss on the cheek and the same with effie then said
"goodnight uncle Haymitch and auntie effie, I love you"
After that I took her to bed and kai went to brush his teeth and get into his pajamas.

A few hours later peeta and I crawled into bed together and I was met with a long passionate kiss. "What was that for?" I asked.
"Not much just for being my wife and the mother of my children."
"You know your sooo cheesy" I said rolling my eyes.
"I know" he said and then he kissed me again and said goodnight. I stayed up for a while thinking.

Prim has been gone for 15 years and shes missed so many memories and moments. She would have been 29 yesterday the sad thing is that I forgot I only remembered when I went to bed and was looking at the picture on my bedside table.

After a while of thinking about prim I started to get a little upset so I decide to go to sleep. I lay my head on peetas chest and he re-adjusted his arms around me. I fell asleep moments later to the sound of peetas heartbeat.


Hi guys sorry I haven't updated in a while my school work and mental health have been all over the place and I also think I have a small case of writers block so I'm sry if I'm flopping a little.
P.s if ur still reading this thank you so much and also advice is much appreciated xxxxx

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