Part 7

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It was a few weeks later and a week before christmas the first white blanket of snow had covered the grass and nellie had already made 50 snow angels in the garden.

Effie asked peeta, the kids and I if we wanted to help decorate the guest house and ofcourse the kids and peeta said yes so I decided to go along with them. The Odairs and Bow will be in the extra house and Johanna said shes fine to stay at Haymitch and effies.

Effie brought what looked like 100 bags of decorations into the house and the kids dug in. They pulled out tinsel, baubles, candles, festive napkins, you name it effie bought it. Peeta was in charge of upstairs with nellie. Kai and I decorated the front of the house with lights and effie insisted on doing the bottom floor herself. 3 hour later we were finally finished and the house looked like a winter wonderland. I have never been keen on winter since when I was younger it just ment less food and a cold house, plus more sick people in our house.

I think effie had finally taught me something... to love winter.
Kai and nellie started begging to decorate our house but I said no because we all know that in the mellark house we decorated on the 23rd of December when the family gets here.

5 days later

My alarm went off late so now the entire house is rushing around so we can get to the train station on time to pick up annie, flyn and bow his girlfriend. Last night over the phone annie told me about bow. She is apparently the love of flyns life and shes a really sweet girl who is very family oriented and polite.Last night I asked annie why bow wasnt spending Christmas with her family if shes so family oriented but annie was very reluctant to answering the question and just said "you will find out when we arrive."

After the morning rush, we arrived at the train station and the family was already off the train. I got out of the car to greet them and annie came running to me for a hug, ofcourse I returned it but she seemed nervous and I couldn't figure out why. Then I saw bow she was a short, girl with pale skin and light brown hair. I realized why annie was so nervous when bow turned around ........

Flyn got her pregnant.

Flyn and bow are almost 16 so they are definitely a little young for a baby but along as their happy and annie supports them then I guess it's fine. I walked up the flyn and bow. Flyn gave me a quick hug then introduced bow,

"This is bow my girlfriend, it's fine she is staying with is isn't it?" He asked.

"No it's no problem welcome to the family" peeta said behind me."Do you guys wanna come to the car and we can all get home before the snow gets to heavy?"

"Yes thank you for letting me stay mr mellark." Bow said.

"Really it's no problem and call me peeta please."

"Ok, peeta"

We all got into the guest house and showed them around after the car trip. We said that effie was the designer of the house decor because we know she would mention it sooner or later then we left them to get unpacked and settled in. Johanna was getting out of Haymitchs car as we left so we quickly went to say hi and strangely Johanna was in high spirits and even said she cant wait to come round later. Weird. I wonder what's gotten into her.


Hi guys I think my writers block is getting a little better but I'm sorry if there is any spelling mistakes.

As always suggestions and comments are appreciated and I hope you have a great day.

Luv ya xxx

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