Part 8

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As always everyone came to the house before dinner and we started to decorate. The kids decorated the tree and peeta watched in agony as they put all of the baubles in one place. Bow, Flyn and I got to talking about how long they have been together and also about the baby, who I found out is a little boy and is due in February. Annie and effie were talking  and cooking some food for dinner. Johanna and Haymitch were in the living room laughing at peeta moving the baubles from the bottom of the tree.

Bow seemed really on edge but I think Penelope calmed her down a little bit.
"Bow can you help me bring my dolls downstairs please?"
"No problem"
Nellie took her hand and dragged her upstairs before coming downstairs with her 2 boxs of dolls.
"This one is my favourite dolly." Nellie said pointing at her mermaid rag doll.
Annie and effie walked into the dining room with the food and we all sat at the table to eat. Nellie sat down on her chair with her mermaid. "Where did you get that nell?" Annie asked.
"I dont know. Mommy where did I get millie the mermaid?" She asked me.
"Annie dont you remember you gave her that doll a few years ago?"
"Really and it's still your favourite nellie?" Annie asked.
"Yeh, duh. Mermaids are the BEST."

We all laughed at her and then after dinner we heard a knock at the door.
"I'll get it" shouted Haymitch. "How nice to see you again come in" I heard him say.
"Grandma!" The kids shouted.
Mum made it I was about to call her since she was supposed to be here a half hour ago. I went to the door and she held me close, "sorry I'm late darling there was alot of traffic and I also went to see .." she cut herself off I knew what she had intended to say but I still dont think she can say it. "I was gunna see if you wanted to come and see dad and prim tomorrow but it's fine if you have already been."
She pulled away from the hug and said,"no I'll come tomorrow, that's only if your ok with that still."
"Yeh no problem." She gave me a kiss on the head and then we went into the study.

I introduced mum to bow and then sat down with peeta on the sofa. Everyone was playing charades effie Haymitch and kai were on one team and the odairs and bow on the other. Nellie was flat out lay on peeta, with her head on his shoulder and her arms around his neck.
"I'll take her to bed now" he said as he stood up with her in him arms.
"Daddy" she mumbled and lifted her head.
"Go back to sleep baby." And she lay back down.

"YES" said flyn.
"I love this game" bow said and kissed his cheek whilst laying her head on his shoulder.
"Its 1am maybe we should go back to the house guys?" Annie asked the teenage couple.
"Yeh we will be there in a minute mum"
Annie said goodnight and so did flyn and bow. After around 30 mins effie, haymitch and johanna decided to go home to.
"Night sweetheart." He gave me a kiss on the head and effie game me a hug, johanna just waved but she did smile so that was a bonus.

Peeta carried me upstairs to our peeta and lay me down. I could be bothered to get changed so I just took off my Jeans and got into the covers to sleep with peetas arm around me.

life is still greatحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن