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Hey, it's the author. I haven't been active for what feels like years on here but, since I have a sudden burst of motivation within me, I decided to start a new project. 

This is an original work which I thought of by myself. Any similarities between other books are completely coincidental and the idea is from a website filled with different generators. I wish I could link the original website, but it is called Fantasy Name Generator, under Concept Ideas (Story) in Other Generators. I am unsure as to who made this website but all credit for the concept is due to them. 

Some updates before you start the book: 
1. I am a Uni student now and I might not have much time to update this regularly, only when I have time from classes and work. I hope this will be taken into consideration if any readers wait for updates to this novel. I will try to post a chapter a week, but I will keep updates in my conversations tab on my profile. 
2. I am eighteen, so I can write whatever I like so do not come at me to hate. If you have any issues with what I write, do not read it. 
3. I go by Aleks and if you refer to me by any other name, I will not be happy at all, and you will be removed. 

So, I hope you enjoy this book. Like I said previously, this is an original and is not based on any past experiences/people.  

I hope you enjoy the book. If you read this far, I appreciate it, and please comment on what could be better and what you enjoy. It is very fun to read other people's comments about my work, criticism and simply just comments about the contents of the story. 

- Aleks :)

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