10: Sleepover Pt.3

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As Violetta's mother predicted, the two teens didn't sleep and got to know each other better. 

"What's your favourite colour?" Maya asked, sipping her can of cola. 


Maya smiled at the answer and looked at Violetta happily. "We have a lot more in common than I thought." Violetta smiled at the statement and drank her own can of orange Fanta. The pair sat in silence again for some time, Maya stealing glances at the girl next to her with a smile. 

"I'm so happy." She blurted out quickly, putting her can down. Violetta glanced at her, tilting her head in confusion. "You're such an idiot sometimes, you know that?" Maya laughed. At the teasing, Violetta frowned slightly looked away. "Hey. I was joking." Maya smiled softly. Violetta didn't look at her and frowned more. 

Maya sighed and poked the girl's shoulder. "Are we about to have a fight right after we kissed?" She questioned quietly. Violetta looked back at the girl next to her. 


Maya frowned at the curt answer. "Hey." She demanded. "I was joking. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. You're not an idiot." Maya spoke softly. Violetta didn't look at her until she finished her drink. 

-It's fine. 

Maya groaned and lied down, pulling Violetta down next to her. "I'm sorry." She spoke again, more sincere and much softer than before. Violetta's eyes were wide, and her cheeks flushed from the closeness of Maya's face. "How can I make up to you?" She asked aloud. Violetta relaxed a little and stared at Maya before shrugging slightly. Maya chuckled and reached up to fix the girl's hair gently. 

"Are you sure you like me?" Maya asked suddenly, after a long moment of silence. Violetta frowned and nodded quickly.

-Of course, I do. Why would you think any different?

Maya sighed and smiled a little sadly. "Well, I'm not exactly the best person to be with... I'm a delinquent and I can get aggressive or violent..." Maya trailed off. Violetta frowned deeper with each negative statement Maya made about herself. 

-Shut up. 

Maya's eyes widened and she frowned, looking back up from the paper to face Violetta. "That's a bit rude..." Violetta shook her head. 

-Don't talk about yourself like that. It upsets me :(

Maya smiled softly. "I'm just telling the tru-" Maya got cut off by Violetta's soft lips on hers in a small peck. Violetta pulled back and smiled softly. 

-You're not a bad person. You're the kindest person I know. You accept me the way I am, and you don't force me to speak or do anything I don't want to do. That's why I know for sure that I like you. 

Maya smiled at the paper. "You're too sweet." Violetta scribbled something else down before handing it over and blushing. 

-You're really pretty too...

Maya laughed slightly. "So, you think I'm pretty?" She teased. Violetta smiled and nodded slowly. "Well, so are you." Maya smiled, placing her hand on the girl's cheek gently before pulling back quickly. "Oh... sorry." Violetta frowned at the apology and shook her head, grabbing Maya's hand and placing it back on her cheek. 

Maya smiled and rubbed Violetta's cheek with her thumb softly. "You're actually really open about relationship stuff." Violetta looked at the girl, confused. "Oh, it's just that you're so closed off to almost everything else, so I assumed that you wouldn't really like me touching you like this." Violetta smiled and wrote something else. 

-If it's you, I'm okay with it. I like it. 

Maya's heart fluttered in her chest slightly as she smiled at the paper and looked at the girl. "Can I kiss you?" She asked. Violetta blushed but nodded without much hesitation. "No. I mean like... properly." Violetta blushed a deeper red but nodded anyway, unsure of what that meant. 

Maya gulped and slowly leaned in. Before they managed to kiss, the living room lights turned on and in walked Violetta's mother, heading into the kitchen for a glass of water. Maya giggled and pulled away slowly. Violetta blushed and quickly got out of the blanket fort, stomping to the kitchen. 

"Oh. You're still awake? Is Maya awake too?" Violetta must've handed her a piece of paper as a moment of silence engulfed the living room and adjacent kitchen. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you guys... I'm leaving, I'm leaving."

Violetta smiled at Maya as she dived back under the blankets and lying down next to the girl, expecting her to continue leaning in. 

"Did you... scold your mum?" She giggled. Violetta smiled softly and shook her head. 

-I just told her that we were busy talking and that we can't remember what we were talking about. 

Maya nodded and stared at the girl, leaning in again. "I can still kiss you though, right?" Violetta nodded quickly. Maya smiled and pressed her lips onto Violetta's gently, moving her lips against the girl's. Violetta almost squeaked at the sensation but relaxed after a while and wrapped her arms around Maya's neck and pulled her closer. 

All too soon, Maya pulled away with a smile. "Are you sure you never kissed anyone before?" She laughed slightly. Violetta smiled. 

-I never kissed anyone. I swear. 

Maya hummed at the answer and stared at the girl. "Are you going to tell anyone about... us?" She asked, a little nervously. Violetta smiled in reassurance. 

-Only if you're comfortable with it. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around my mum or anything. 

Maya nodded. "Thank you." She took a deep breath. "It's just that... my parents aren't really all that supportive about this sort of thing." She smiled sadly. Violetta reached forward and cupped Maya's cheeks gently.  

-I won't tell anyone. If anything happens between you and your parents or something, tell me. My mum would happily talk to them or take you in if things go that far. 

Maya nodded, tearing up a little. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." Violetta nodded and pulled the girl closer, hugging her tightly. Maya's eyes widened but she relaxed soon enough and hugged her back, closing her eyes. 

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