14: How to be Brave?

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TW: Homophobia and mild cursing. 


Maya stopped in her tracks at the sound of Violetta's quiet voice. Maya's parents pulled on her arm roughly, giving her a stern look when she stopped walking. Violetta sobbed as she stared at the girl in front of her, clinging to her hand tightly. 

"Don't go... Please." Violetta spoke softly. Maya's fist clenched tightly and she took a deep breath before yanking her arm out of her father's grip. 

"Maya. Home. Now." Her mother spat aggressively. Maya looked at her mother and stood next to Violetta. 

"No." She spoke firmly. "I refuse to live through this abuse. I like girls. I want to date women. I'm in love with Violetta. Why can't you just accept that?" She sobbed as she spoke. Her parents stood still, staring their daughter down. 

"It's a sin. It's not right. You can't date a woman." Her mother scoffed. Maya narrowed her eyes, unsure of how to reply to her mother's reasoning. 

"It might be a sin. It might not be right... but this is who I am." Maya's voice was exasperated. Violetta stared at her girlfriend as she stood up for herself. "If I have to, I'll move out. I won't speak to you anymore. I won't give up on Violetta." She spoke confidently, her bottom lip trembling in fear of her parents' reaction. 

"Maya. Don't be stupid. You're coming home. Now." Her father spoke sternly. Maya stared back at him, anger burning in her eyes. 

"I'm not going anywhere with you." She held Violetta's hand tightly. "I'm staying here. With my girlfriend." Maya took a shaky breath as she finished speaking, standing her ground. 

Her mother looked at her husband and frowned. "She'll come crawling back soon enough. And when she does, she'll see. Come on." She grabbed his arm and pulled him to the car. 

"You better sleep with one eye open tonight you little bitch! I'm coming for you!" Maya's father yelled as he got into his car. Violetta, her mother and Maya watched as they drove off. Maya fell to the ground just as her parents disappeared around the corner, her throat closing up and her tears falling. She clutched her chest as she breathed heavily. 

Violetta kneeled down and lifted Maya's face, whispering. "It's okay. I promise." At the girl's reassuring words and soothing words, Maya nodded and managed to get back on her feet. 

No other words between them were exchanged as they stepped back inside the house, locking the door. The two young girls were sat on the couch as Violetta's mother made them all some tea. 

Maya held Violetta's hand tightly. "Thank you." She spoke softly. Violetta managed a small, reassuring smile and kissed her cheek. 

"No. I should be thanking you." Violetta looked down. "I didn't think I could ever speak again... It feels..." She tried to think of the words. Maya nodded her head and rested her head on the other girl's shoulder. 

"I know." She smiled and looked at the girl. "I'm still a little... shocked after what happened today but I'm also happy." Violetta frowned at her comment, unsure of what Maya meant. "I mean, I feel happy because I finally heard your voice. I... I don't know how to explain it. It just... I'm proud of you." Violetta blushed and looked away as her mother walked into the living room, chiming into the conversation. 

"Maya is right. I'm proud of you too, Hun." She ruffled her daughter's hair. Violetta looked up at her mother with a small smile. 

"I... I didn't do anything though... we should be proud of Maya. She stood up for herself and what she wants." Violetta spoke softly, her throat still not used to speaking quite yet. Maya chuckled at the girl's words and kissed her cheek. 

"I fall in love with you more and more every day." She said, her smile bright and her eyes full of love. "I mean it. Your voice made me realise how much I love you and how much I am willing to sacrifice for this relationship." She mumbled quietly. 

Violetta rolled her eyes a little and looked away, her cheeks red. "You're exaggerating." She smiled.  Maya shook her head and sipped her tea. 

"I'm not. I mean everything I say. I'm willing to sacrifice my relationship with my family if it means I can stay with you." Violetta looked at the girl next to her, Maya's eyes serious and determined. Violetta couldn't stop her smile. 

"I love you too." Violetta leaned in and kissed Maya softly. "And thank you. For everything." 

Maya rested her head on the girl's and closed her eyes, not speaking and simply enjoying the moment.

Violetta's mother walked in and cleared her throat jokingly. "Hey, lovebirds." She teased. The two girls blushed and pulled away. Violetta's mother laughed and ruffled their hair as she sat down on one of the armchairs in the living room. 

They sat in silence, sipping their tea and quietly processing the situation they just went through and trying to think of solutions to the issue. 

"So..." Violetta's mother broke the silence again. "When's the wedding?" She teased again as she placed her tea down. Violetta blushed and spun her head around to stare at her mother in embarrassment. 


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