9: Sleepover Pt.2

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The day passed by quickly for Violetta in Maya's company. After dinner, the pair had decided to build a blanket fort in the living room downstairs, having been told that the best option was to sleep in the downstairs' living room sofa-bed. 

"What should we do now?" Maya thought out loud. Violetta looked at the girl next to her and checked the time. It was only nine in the evening. 

-I don't know. I don't mind just chatting. 

Maya nodded as she read what Violetta wrote and turned to her, leaning her hand on her hand as she held herself up by her elbow. "What do you wanna talk about? Do you have any questions for me?"

Violetta thought for a moment before slowly shaking her head. Maya hummed and smiled softly. "Can I ask you something... personal?" At Violetta's slow nod, Maya cleared her throat. "Do you have anyone you like?" Violetta stared at her in slight shock, expecting to be asked about her past or the fact that she refused to speak to anyone. 

Noticing her hesitation and shock, Maya looked away awkwardly. "I saw the Google search on our phone." Maya began, glancing at Violetta, who looked completely confused. "The one about... you know... having feelings for another girl?" Maya asked cautiously. At the words, Violetta's eyes widened, and she blushed, looking away quickly. 

The pair sat in silence before Maya poked the girl next to her gently. "So... do you have anyone you like?" She asked again. Violetta stared at Maya for a moment, taking in her tanned face, blue eyes and brown hair. In the dimmed lighting, the girl looked gorgeous. More than she did usually. The minimal light illuminated her face subtly, highlighting her nose and lips. Violetta nodded eventually and locked eyes with the girl next to her. 

Violetta grabbed her paper and tapped her pen on the page, anxious. She wanted to tell Maya what she felt but, at the same time, she worried she may lose her one and only friend if she confessed all of a sudden. 

"Is it me?" Maya asked suddenly. Violetta went rigid and slowly looked at the girl, worried she was only teasing her. To her surprise, her expression was serious and expectant. Violetta looked away and nodded slowly. "Wait... really?" Maya asked. Violetta hung her head and nodded again, her nod being more confident, but she closed her eyes, in fear of Maya simply getting up and leaving. 

Maya didn't say anything but simply stared at the girl next to her. She knew that she felt attraction to everyone, and that the person's gender didn't have much meaning to her but, for some reason, she couldn't see Violetta as Queer for some reason. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. 

Violetta looked at Maya, locking eyes and smiled, quickly writing something down. 

-I was actually really scared to tell you. I don't want to lose the friendship we have. If you don't feel the same, that's fine. I don't care as long as we're still friends. 

Maya hummed softly. "When did you realise you felt like this towards...girls?" Maya asked. Violetta pondered for a while before writing down more. 

-Since I could read. I would always read books with Queer characters and always liked the female characters. I didn't think that's what that meant at the time but here we are, I guess. 

Maya laughed a little and nodded. "Well, I always knew that if I liked someone, the gender didn't really mean anything to me." She smiled. Violetta's eyes brightened slightly at the answer and nodded, scribbling something down again. 

-I only realised how I felt towards you yesterday.

Maya's eyes widened slightly, and she grinned, poking the latter's shoulder teasingly. "And look at you, confessing the very next day." She chuckled. Violetta blushed and wrote a small 'I'm sorry' on her paper. Maya smiled softly. "Don't apologise." She spoke softly. Violetta looked back at her. 

Maya took a deep breath and moved a little closer. Violetta's eyes widened and her breath hitched. Maya smiled softly and took the girl's hand gently. "I feel the same way about you..." Maya trailed off as she kissed Violetta's knuckles. The girl blushed at the gesture and stared at Maya with wide eyes. 

-Is this what a relationship is like? 

Maya chuckled. "Well, we're not in a relationship yet. I'm just telling you my feelings now." Violetta gulped and nodded nervously, feeling her hand get sweaty but Maya didn't let hand go and only held on tighter, lacing their fingers together. "Why are you so nervous?" Maya smiled softly, moving even closer. 

Violetta didn't have time to answer on her paper as Maya leaned in and placed a soft peck on her lips. Violetta pulled back quickly with wide eyes. Maya smiled softly. "Sorry. Too fast?" Violetta shook her head quickly. 

-That was my first kiss. 

 Maya blushed. "It was mine too..." She shrugged. Violetta's nervous gaze softened, and she smiled brightly. "It's a bit too soon to ask you to be my girlfriend..." Maya smiled. Violetta's smile dropped slightly. 


Maya smiled. "Well, there's still a lot of things we don't know about each other..." Violetta frowned. 

-Then let's get to know each other. Right now. 

Maya smiled. "You're really eager." She chuckled. Violetta nodded quickly. 

-I really like you.

Maya blushed at the statement and squeezed the girl's hand. "I can't wait for you to speak those words out loud..." Maya spoke. Violetta looked away. 

-I don't think I'll speak again though...

Maya frowned slightly at the statement. "Why not? I know you got bullied but you won't be bullied anymore. I'm in all your classes and... if we do start dating, then you have nothing to worry about."  Violetta began to fidget. Maya squeezed her hand again, in reassurance. "I'm not trying to put pressure on you. I just want you to be happy again." She smiled. Violetta's body relaxed and she nodded slightly. 

-I'll try my best. I want to say how much I like you properly too.

Maya smiled and lied down on Violetta's pillow. "That's a goal to strive for then. If you have an end goal, it gets easier to do hard things." She stated. Violetta nodded and lied down next to Maya slowly. 

-I promise that one day, I will tell you I like you properly. 

MuteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora