12: The Truth Untold

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TW: Homophobia, physical violence (minor description) 


"I'll see you tomorrow!" Maya shouted as she ran to the bus stop, Violetta waving to the other girl and nodding as she skipped to the car, getting in and buckling her seatbelt next to her mum. 

"I see you're getting along quite well with Maya still." She commented as she started the car. Violetta nodded happily and smiled as they began to drive back to their house. 

"Are you good friends then?" Her mother asked, looking at her daughter from the corner of her eye. Violetta nodded again and didn't elaborate. The conversation about her relationship with another girl isn't one you have in the car. "Hmm..." Her mother hummed as she parked the car in their driveway. 

Violetta hopped out of the car happily and walked into the house, waiting for her mum to come inside so they could sit down and talk. 

"Do you want anything specific for dinner today? I was just going to make some pizza." Violetta shook her head at the question and grabbed her mum's sleeve gently. "Hmm? What is it, love?" Violetta pointed to the couch and sat down, waiting for her mother to do the same. 

The girl sat in silence for a while, thinking of how to explain the situation to her mother. Of course, they already had a conversation about her feelings around a week ago, but Violetta didn't know she would act on these feelings in such a short period of time. 

"Hey. You okay? Is there something you wanted to talk about?" Her mum asked. Violetta gulped and nodded, typing an answer on her phone. 

-Yes. I just don't know how to say it. 

Her mum smiled and took her hand. "You can tell me anything. Just... say it. As straightforward as you can." Violetta nodded and typed on her phone again, blushing lightly. 

-Well... last Saturday when Maya came over. We were... talking. 

"Go on. What did you two talk about?" Her mother asked. Violetta bounced her leg up and down nervously. 

-We talked about... our feelings. For each other. 

Her mum only hummed at the typed message. "I see." She sighed a little. It wasn't a disappointed sigh, it was more of a relieved sigh. Relief that everything was okay. "Did you come to a conclusion, then?" She asked, curiously but careful not to pry too much. Violetta nodded at the question. 

-We actually started dating from that day.

Violetta showed the phone to her mother, turning away in embarrassment at the fact that she openly just said that she is dating someone. And not anyone for that matter, a girl. She was embarrassed about the fact that she was saying these things to her own mother. 

"Oh well that's wonderful." Her mother commented happily. "She is a very nice girl. I'm not surprised you like her so much." She chuckled softly. Violetta glanced at her mum and smiled softly, nodding. 

-She wanted me to tell you. She trusts you. 

"Ahh... I see." Her mother spoke gently. "I'm glad." She paused for a moment. "Do her parents know?" Violetta shook her head a little sadly. 

-No. They're against these types of relationships.   

Her mother didn't say anything. She simply kissed her head and smiled softly. "Well, some people aren't always open about something new." She spoke softly. "I'm sure they'll come around eventually. You like each other a lot. I'm sure everything will work out in the end." Violetta nodded hopefully at the comments and smiled as her mother walked back to the kitchen to get started on dinner. 

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