11: Girlfriends

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Monday came too quick for the two girls. Their relationship could still be described as "awkward" and Violetta knew that, in school, Maya would be uncomfortable to show any kind of affection. That didn't bother her all that much, since she knew what Maya really thought and felt for her. 

"You ready?" Her mother asked. Violetta nodded and headed downstairs with her mum. She grabbed her bag and a breakfast to-go before hopping into her car happily. 

The first few minutes of the drive were fairly calm and peaceful, apart from Violetta being interrogated by her own mother. 

"What did you guys do last night? I heard a lot giggling before I went to bed." She pressed. Violetta rolled her eyes and looked out her window, hiding her (otherwise clear) red cheeks. "Aww come on. Tell me. I won't be mad if you were gossiping about someone." Her mother laughed a little at her own comment. 

For a moment, Violetta debated on whether she should just tell her mum about her new relationship with Maya. She knew her mother wouldn't judge her but she couldn't stop thinking about Maya and what her reaction could be if she found out that Violetta had betrayed her trust in the heat of the moment. 

The girl stayed silent until they arrived at the school gates. She hopped out of the car and waved to her mother before running over to Maya who was already waiting for her by the gates. 

"Hey! Good morning!" Maya called. Violetta smiled brightly and nodded enthusiastically, making the other girl laugh lightly. "How are you?" Maya questioned as they began to walk into the school building. Violetta shrugged as an answer and smiled softly. Somehow, Maya understood and nodded as they sat down next to each other for their first class. 

The day continued smoothly and the two girls walked around the grass fields during lunch time. "I know a cool place where we can just hang out." Maya offered. Violetta nodded at the suggestion and followed the girl behind the school. 

It was one of the more secluded sections of their school, with an old building used to store outdoor gym equipment that was somehow never used. The two girls sat down on the ground beside the building and took in the fresh air. 

Violetta closed her eyes with a small smile glowing on her face. Maya stared at the girl as if she was mesmerised. "Violetta?" She suddenly asked. The girl in question opened her eyes and looked at Maya, smiling gently. Maya stayed silent for a while and then took a deep breath, as if to prepare for what she was about to say. 

"I want you to tell your mum about us..." She looked away as she spoke. Violetta looked at her confused and took her hand gently, getting the girl's attention once again. At the confused look, Maya smiled. "I don't want to hide the fact that... we like each other. At least not in front of you mum." Violetta nodded slowly and looked down, worried and confused at the Maya's choice of words. Were they not in a relationship? Did Violetta misunderstand? 

Maya noticed her worried look and lifted Violetta's head up with one finger hooked under her chin. "You okay? You look worried about something." Violetta blushed at the action and looked at Maya before typing something on her phone. 

-Sorry. I guess I misunderstood our relationship. Don't worry about it. 

Maya read the text and frowned a little. "Misunderstood?" She asked, confused. Violetta blushed and typed again. 

-I just thought we were... together? Like dating or something. 

Maya blushed at the message and looked away. "O-oh... yeah. I mean, we are it's just..." She took a deep breath and looked at Violetta again. "I didn't know if you were okay being called my girlfriend. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." 

Violetta's eyes brightened at the words and she smiled, shaking her head, silently telling Maya that she liked being called her girlfriend, that she wasn't uncomfortable. Maya, in turn, smiled and took Violetta's hand again. "Noted. You're officially my girlfriend." She chuckled as she spoke.

At the words, Violetta almost squealed, wanting to kiss the girl next to her over and over again. However, knowing they were in school, she stopped herself and simply smiled lovingly at Maya until lunch was over.  

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