7: Feelings Other than Friendship? That Can't Be...

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At the end of the day, Violetta waved at Maya before she ran to her mum's car and buckled up. She grabbed her phone from her pocket and quickly typed a question. 

'Can Maya come over this weekend?' 

Violetta's mum looked a little surprised as she glanced at her daughter curiously, noticing her bright and eager eyes. This is the first time, in a very long time, her daughter looked this excited. She nodded with a soft smile, trying not to tear up at how happy her daughter has become on such a short time. 

"Of course, she can." She started the car. "Is it just to hang out?" She questioned, glancing at her daughter occasionally. Violetta nodded at the question and smile softly at the thought. "Is she staying over?" Her mum asked curiously but delicately, aware this may be a difficult and sensitive subject for her daughter. To her surprise, Violetta nodded happily as an answer. 

The rest of the car ride was filled with a comfortable silence. Soon enough, the mother and daughter pair arrived home and Violetta jumped out of the car and rushed to her bedroom to text Maya. 

Vi - My mum said you can come over this weekend! :) 

Maya :) - Sweet! I'll be at your place at around five in the afternoon! 

Vi - Okay! :) 

Violetta put her phone down and had to almost stop herself from squealing in happiness. Her mother knocked on her bedroom door before she opened it lightly and smiled. "I'm ordering pizza for dinner." Violetta nodded as she looked at her mum happily. Instead of leaving, her mother sat down on her bed. 

"You must be quite close with Maya, right?" She asked. Violetta nodded slowly, unsure of where this conversation was going. "Is she... nice to you?" Her mother pressed. Violetta grabbed her phone and typed up an answer. 

'She's super nice! She stuck up for me this morning. There was a girl who making nasty comments and she stood up for me!' 

The teen beamed through her phone. Her mother smiled at the statement. They sat in silence for a moment, her mother looking around awkwardly. Eventually, Violetta poked her shoulder. 

'What's wrong?' 

She asked through her phone. Her mother let out a soft sigh and looked at her daughter, taking her hand lightly. "Are you and Maya just friends?" She finally asked. Violetta was clearly taken aback at such a question and nodded slowly, tilting her head to the side in confusion at why her mother would think any different. 

"Sorry." She laughed awkwardly. "It's just that... I know what books you liked to read and the sort of female characters you liked." She rambled. Violetta only stared at her mother, wanting her to continue. 

With a small sigh, she finally spilled what has been on her mind ever since she met Maya for the first time. "I see the way you act around her and the way you... look at her. That's all." Violetta looked away and took her hand out of her mother's grip. "There's nothing wrong with it if you like her as more than a friend." Her mum reassured quickly. Violetta looked at her mother with flushed cheeks. 

'Is it really... okay? I don't know... Maya makes me feel comfortable and safe. I almost feel like I could speak to her properly, but I don't want to scare her off or anything.' 

Violetta's mum read the typed-up message and smiled softly. "I honestly don't think you have much to worry about when it comes to scaring her off." She chuckled lightly at Violetta's confused face. "All I'm going to say is that being honest and telling her, wouldn't hurt your friendship. Trust me." She smiled and rubbed Violetta's back softly before getting up and leaving her daughter's bedroom. 

Violetta sat on her bed, wrestling with the idea of, possibly, being in her first relationship. With a female at that. As this thought crossed her mind, her cheeks flushed a bright red in embarrassment. She opened her phone slowly and stared at Maya's name on her phone, changing the smiling face next to her name into a small heart. 

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