The Angel of the River

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As the world fades away from our subconscious minds. We begin to vicariously create a temperate rhythm. Our hearts dance in the darkness of our souls and our words disappear in the midst of broken promises. As the cracks become more defined in our lives, the weeds of our pasts begin to grow through, strangling our silent pain, degrading the amiable exertion.

Then on a sunny day an angel appears. Disrupting your only sounds of silence, disregarding your brokenness, forgetful to the fact of your influential being. Mindless to your beauty, unaware of her glowing wings, her hair fleeing in the winds of her imagination. Her scars so defined, yet so much beauty being perceived. Who thought it was right to pollute her mind with lies of cruel thought? Does she not know how precious she has grown to be? Does she not realise that she is the only light of my life that does not fade from me. She is worth every eye's attention. She is worth every drum of the ear. She is worth every kneeling prayer. She is worth every beautiful sound the world can offer.

She is so beautiful and I never want to know a life without her.

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