My Element

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There's an absence in my brain that I can't find an escape out of. The latency of my heart has broken me down to the rocks of my soul. All in all I've forgotten myself in the process, but at the same time there's not much left of me to start with. I've sold my soul away, praying to see another day, but it's all in my head. The simplicity of resting my mind on what is right and wrong. There's a whirring sensation in my body, travelling from deep inside my bones, wanting to break out of this climatic pain. I feel my body quaking beneath the same thing that's nearly killed me before. I just want peace. I just want solitude. The misery I've built between the people and I has gotten so soundly with the screams in the back of my mind. I only wish to become humble... Humble in knowing the truth. The truth has been untold, and that's a sad fact to come to realise in this world. I don't know where I came from, I just know that I'm out of my element.

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