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We live in a world where people are constantly being recycled, used. These figures are under the impression that others have the right to throw their selves at people like they have some sort of authority over how they spend their time. We work, we get yelled at. We solve problems, we get yelled at. We figure out our voice is louder than we knew, we get ridiculed. But in this world where people are being recycled, words are also being recycled. Over and over and over again. But when does this stop. Who has the guts to be who they want, who has the guts to no longer be afraid of the vast uncharted waters of their mind? Are we ever going to come to a conclusion of becoming a more accepting world? When will we begin to aspire into the wonders of a more vivid place of rest? I want to know when people will decide that no one else's thoughts should matter to them. Embarrassment shouldn't even exist. The exertion of the persecution in this world we once called free is just plain sickening. We are blind to see that we are killing the mindfulness of once a clean brain. Society is pollution. Society is the problem, not the people with dreams.

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