Not Alright

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I knew that someday I had to grow up. Would that mean I had to give up? A collision of happenings, and an outburst of misunderstanding. I don't know how to fix it. The whole not knowing, and the whole wondering constantly. Eating me alive. That's what it seems to be doing to me. No matter how hard I try, I see no way of getting around it. So I burn it along with the remains of my soul. I'm scared to death right now, the feeling in my stomach is unsettling. The feeling in my chest is worse than before. My knees are weak, and my head is heavy. People speak to me, and I try to pay attention, but my mind seems to be veering off to a more solitude area of confinement. I don't feel normal, and I'm not alright. In fact with the way I feel right now, I just might pass out. The tension in my throat seems to get tighter every time I try to speak. My words are choked back behind unrefined thoughts. I've held it in for so long, not ever asking for help. But now its scaring me so much that I think I just might need it...

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