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Hell week.

The worst part of training.

It's where all new Naval Aviators would be pushed to their absolute limits.

All Sargents are there to make the new recruit's lives a living hell, to prepare them for what they might face, and to get them ready to fly with the best of the best.

It endured an insane number of push-ups, curl-ups, and laps, both running and swimming.

Many sleepless nights.

Nights where you weren't even allowed to sleep.

Nights where you wished you were home with your family, your mom caressing your hair as you watched a cheesy family movie.

Dozens of new recruits would often drop out of the academy while going through Hell Week.

In the center of the barrack hall, there was a silver bell that hung from the largest tree in the courtyard.

If a recruit could no longer take the torment, all they had to do was simply ring that bell, and their week in hell would be over with.

They could go back home to their families, their loved ones, and their comfy beds, and get away from all the Sargents spitting in their faces as they talked.

But they were not going to do that.

They were here to get into the academy. To be something.

Robert "Bob" Floyd.

The one that everyone waited to ring that bell.

All the recruits had their money set on him to be the first person to ring the silver bell.

All because of his appearance.

Bob stands at 6ft even and is one of the lankiest men in the academy.

He was soft-spoken, and he didn't say much.

He didn't participate in any activities outside of Hell Week.

He was there to be an Aviator.

Not to goof off.

Lucianna "Lucia" DeAngelis.

The one that everyone feared.

She too was there to be an Aviator, not to goof off.

But she wasn't soft-spoken like her friend.

Anyone who dared to say something smart about Bob, would often get an ear full from her, and maybe a few punches.

Lucia is one of the shortest women in the academy, which made her look like a joke.

No one took her seriously.

Ranking it at 5ft even, she was the second joke of the academy.

But she was one of the most impressive ones.

Lucia could finish every obstacle course in a record amount of time.

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