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Triumphs and sadness.

End of an era.

The cozy glow of soft lamp light spilled across the living room.

Casting a warm and intimate atmosphere as Lucia and Mickey settled onto the plush couch.

The screen before them flickered to life, the familiar yellow text scrolling across the vast expanse of space.

"Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"

Their chosen adventure for the night.

Lucia leaned into Mickey's shoulder, her tired eyes fixed on the screen.

Mickey wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.

The scene played out with laser battles, dramatic confrontations, and the ever-present struggle between the light and dark sides of the Force.

Mickey's voice was a soothing backdrop as he occasionally whispered tidbits about the characters and the intricate Star Wars lore, his words mingling with the movie's dialogue.

Lucia, though not well-versed in science fiction, found herself drawn into the world of Jedi and Sith.

Her fascination grows with each passing moment.

As the film reached its intense crescendo, a lull in the action allowed the fatigue that had been tugging at Lucia's senses to finally take hold.

Her eyelids grew heavy, and her head nestled comfortably against Mickey's shoulder.

She could feel the steady rhythm of his chest rising and falling, his heartbeat a reassuring presence against her cheek.

She loved to listen to his heartbeat when they lay down together.

Especially at night when they are getting ready to fall asleep.

The epic drama of the movie continued, but Lucia's breathing grew softer.

The rhythm of her breaths matches the gentle flow of the movie scene playing.

A faint, contented smile graced her lips as her consciousness surrendered to the embrace of sleep.

Mickey noticed her sleeping and grabs the blanket that she had sitting on the back of the couch.

He drapes the blanket over her and turns back to the movie.

It's quiet in the apartment with the noise only coming from the movie.

The curve of her lips hinted at a faint smile, perhaps sparked by a dream or simply the comfort of their shared presence.

As the movie's dramatic score swelled, Mickey's thoughts turned introspective, his mind traversing the memories of the past months.

Time had been both a kind and cruel companion.

Four months spent together during Top Gun training had been a whirlwind of emotions.

All from the initial joy of reunion to the bittersweet realization that their time was finite.

The time forged in the rigors of training had been filled with stolen moments.

Stolen kisses, and stolen glances that spoke volumes in the language only they shared.

Mickey's fingers absently traced patterns on Lucia's arm, his touch gentle as if afraid of waking her.

It wasn't the first time they had faced the prospect of distance, yet each goodbye seemed to cut a little deeper.

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now