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See you soon.

Welcome home!

Lucia sighed as they arrived at their layover airport.

She and Mickey stepped off of the boarding strip and were now standing in the waiting area of the passengers who were waiting to board.

This is where they would say goodbye once again.

They both had to get back to their bases so they could get back to work.

So it was only best if they took separate flights that landed in their cities.

"Listen to me," Mickey says as he grabs Lucia's shoulders.

She looks at him, trying to hold back her tears.

"I'm going to see you again real soon. You'll come to visit me on base in a few months okay?"He asks her.

Lucia nods her head.

"I just don't want to miss you again," she says sadly.

Mickey purses his lips smiling.

He was holding himself back from crying as well.

Together for nearly a year and they only spent a total of 2 months together physically.

All at separate times.

This is the second time he had to say goodbye to her.

This time it seemed so much harder.

"I don't want to miss you but, every time we see each other it feels even more special than the last time," Mickey says smiling as his eyes welled up with tears.

He pulls Lucia into him.

He wraps his arms around her tightly.

She does the same.

They both stand there holding tightly onto one another in fear of letting go.

"Til the end of the line," Lucia says muffled.

Mickey lets out a chuckle that was part sob.

"Til the end of the line," he says smiling.

They pull away from each other, quickly kissing.

"Come back to me," Mickey says.

Lucia smiles at him with tears streaming down her face.

"I'll always come back to you,"

Once more they hug and Mickey kisses her forehead.

They both grab their carryons and begin to head in opposite directions.

"Te Quiero, Mi Carino," Mickey calls out to her with a wave.

Lucia smiles looking back at him with the tears still falling.

"Ti Voglio Bene, Amore Mio," she calls back with a wave.

They both turn back around, facing the right direction.

Lucia sniffles as she wipes her eyes.

Mickey keeps his lips pursed to stop them from quivering and to keep him from crying.

It will just continue to get harder.

They both knew that.

Lucia wipes her eyes once more as she reaches the waiting area for her gate.

Mickey sits in his gate waiting area bouncing his leg.

He pulls out his phone.

Lucia's phone buzzes as she searches through her bag.

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now