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Call sign number four.

"You don't get it," Mickey says as he plops down on the couch next to Lucia.

"What don't I get? Huh? Tell me," she says frowning at the man.

"His hammer isn't just any hammer. It's magical. Only he can wield it because he has the power. He is worthy,"

Lucia makes a confused face as she looks back at the t.v.

"How did he become worthy?"

"He is a God,"

"How did he become a God?"

"He was born that way,"

Lucia scoffs looking at the man.

"You are not born a God!" she exclaims

Mickey throws his head back smiling.

He never thought that he'd see the day when he had to explain the God of Thunder and his hammer, Mjolnir, to someone who was too stubborn to understand it.

"It's fiction, Lucia. These Gods are not real,"

Lucia looks at the man in shock at his words.

"Gods are real! In my country, we thank our Gods,"

Lucia steps from the couch and walks over to the kitchen.

"What Gods do you worship in Italy?" Mickey asks as he watches her.

"Well, for instance," She says as she opens the freezer.

"The God of wine. Dionysius,"

She pulls the wine bottle out from the freezer that she had stored in there an hour prior to the man showing up at her apartment.

"The God of art. Hephaestus,"

Lucia opens and cabinet and pulls out two small wine glasses.

"So if they are not born, how do you think the Gods, become Gods?" Mickey asks her confused.

Lucia shrugs as she looks over at the man before pouring the wine.

"By being worthy,"

Mickey smirks at her as she walks over to the couch again, handing him a glass.

He found this romantic.

Lucia wanted Mickey to educate her on all things nerdy while drinking wine.

They first started with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

They had watched Captain America, Ironman and now it was Thor.

"So will we see the man of iron in this one?"

Her accent made everything she said so much more attractive to him.

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now