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It's life changing.

"Come on Bob! Let's turn and burn!" Lucia says smiling.

She turns the aircraft sharply, causing Logan and Richard's aircraft to teeter to the side.

"Slow done there Razor!" Logan calls over the headset.

"All she knows is speed," Richard jokes.

"She's gonna send them to their graves," Tyler adds.

Lucia and Bob both frown at his words.

"Phantom, do you ever say anything nice?" Reuben asks angrily.

Richard snorts.

"He can't, that's his kryptonite," he teases.

"If that's my kryptonite, then that makes me Superman," Tyler says boastfully.

"Phantom, you wish you were Superman. You're Two-Face at best," Richard says.

There's a few scattered chuckles from the pilots.

"Don't give him such false hope, he's nothing but a sidekick. Not a good one," Logan adds.

Everyone laughs and continues to joke around about Tyler.

He kept quiet.

He was used to pissing everyone off but he wasn't used to being pissed off by everyone.

Especially Richard.

It was like he had met his match.

They had the same attitude.

"You seem quiet Phantom. Cat got your tongue?" Lucia teases

He doesn't answer.

He finishes the course for the day and heads back to the tarmac.

Admiral Cyclone looks and Hondo and sighs annoyed.

"They're children. Are they aviators or high schoolers?" He asks annoyed before walking away from Hondo.

Hondo purses his lips as he watches.

Tyler exits his jet angrily, throwing his helmet on the seat.

"Phantom!" Hondo calls out to him.

Tyler looks at him, frowning angrily.

"50 sit ups,"

Annoyed, he unzips his flight suit and ties this sleeves around his waist.

Hondo walks over to Tyler as he begins the punishment.

"Come on man, what's going on?" He asks him.

Tyler refuses to answer, he just shakes his head instead.

He lowers himself back down before bringing his chest to his knees.

"You've been different since I taught you in flight school. Has something happened?"

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now