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What do you want me to do?

Kiss me.

Lucia sat on her bed looking at her closet as the rain pelted down outside.

It seemed like it rained everyday in Florida.

It had been two days since she and Mickey were locked in her room.

He hasn't spoken to her.

She hasn't bothered to reach out either.

It was done.

Over with.

Lucia had come to terms with it.

With them only graduating in a month, it was best to let it go.

Even though it pained her, she was still happy to have met and spend time with Mickey.

He'd forever hold a place in her heart dearly.

And she in a place in his heart.

Lucia sighs as she throws herself back, looking at the ceiling now.

She felt so stupid.

If she never said anything to him about her feelings, they wouldn't be in this mess.

The way she felt could have been fixed.

It would have gone away with time.

But she had to open her drunk mouth.

How could she be so dumb?

Lucia let Mickey slip through her fingers.

And now he was avoiding her all together.

Lucia spend the last two days crying non-stop.

Bob would bring her food and her favorite tea.

She hadn't left her room since Mickey left.

But today she finally did to shower.

She felt like there was a hole inside of her now that he wasn't around.

Mickey felt the same way.

He had spent so much time with Lucia that his life was consumed with her.

Lucia was all he knew in a sense.

Now that he was spending time away from her, it felt weird.

He felt like he was missing something.

Which is why, he showed up at her apartment, soaking wet from the rain.

Mickey raises his hand to knock on the door but hesitates.

What if Lucia didn't want to see him?

Was Lucia mad at him?

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now