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Time to split up.

Flight School Graduation.

The day they were all excited for.

But yet, dreaded at the same time.


Everyone but Bob.

Mickey and Lucia knew that this is where they would say goodbye until one of them got the chance to visit the other.

They had already talked about how that would work.

Lucia would go visit him first.

Then he would go to see her.

It was something they would take turns on until they were stationed together.

If that happened.

Reuben deep down was sad to leave Mickey.

Like Bob and Lucia, the two men had been through BootCamp and everything else together.

He was also worried about what would happen between Mickey and Lucia.

Reuben hoped that the couple would work out and live happily ever after.

But a part of him was afraid that something could happen.

Long distance wasn't always easy.

But, Lucia was determined to make it work.

Bob, of course, did have his opinion on it.

He had asked her if this was a great idea since this was her first relationship and all.

Lucia then told him it was what she wanted to do, and she would do it.

Bob didn't say anything else about it after that.

He felt like he was losing Lucia.

He didn't feel like he was losing her to Mickey.

He felt like his opinion and he wanted to look out for her, were pushing her away from him.

So, he often bit his tongue about a lot of things.

Bob kept quiet.

For the sake of his friendship with Lucia.

"Ready for this?" Bob asked Lucia as they sat waiting for the graduation to commence.

Lucia looks over at her best friend and smiles.

"Ready as I'll ever be,"

Lucia grabs Bob's hand and squeezes it.

He squeezes hers back.

"I want you to know that no matter what, you'll always be my best friend," Lucia says as she continues to hold Bob's hand.

He frowns slightly as he snorts.

Come Back To Me ~ M.GarciaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat