A Hateful Megalomaniac

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A beautiful day outside. But one skeleton was fighting the megalomaniac. Sans couldn't even count how many times there were. He had so much hate for the human that's almost unrivaled by anything. He was fighting but eventually he lost. He never could truly defeat Frisk. She would just reset and then he will wait for her. 'Wait a minute'. He thought

Sans was fed up by human, he wanted to defeat them by any means necessary. His sense of judgement and reason was blinded by Hate. He didn't even notice that his face was covering by hate. When reset happened Sans has began to work. He was finally not lazy, he couldn't affort being like that. Something changing in himself he ignored. Sans of course tried everything to defeat human but failed. So he will now kill everyone including humans. His hate was too powerful and was not leetting him see his own action. 

So he was able to get into ruins with help of Toriel. Then he killed every single monster since he know where to search. Just by that his LOVE increased to 5. He was now more powerful and his hate began consuming him. He still had some control but half of his face was covered by hate already. Then he met Toriel. Her fear and hopelessness only fed Sans' hate and determination so he killed her gaining EXP and upgrading his LOVE to 8-9. Now he was even more consumed by hate and his determination spiked fearlessly. He now was only doing it out of hate. He truly became a monster. 

Sans just called himself DustDust because he wanted too. Killing Snowdin's monsters were too easy for him, now. His powers were powered by both hate and determination not forgetiing his own magic and patience. He killed all of Showdin excluding his brother that his lv increased to 10-11. Now he was completely covered in hate. Now he was not going to stop since Hate and Determination was too powerful. Also he had absorbed every monster's all abilities and he was also getting all of their power, stats and etc. Thus, made him truly powerful. 

Moving to Waterfall he was met with extradinory scenery but he was going to dull and dust. So killing monsters was now even easier for him. Undyne tried to make amends and knock some sense to DustDust but he was too consumed by his own hatred and was too determined to stop. So even she was defeated even when she had form more powerful than Undying, she still lost. That left DustDust with 15LV. 

Then he went to Hotland killing everybody there as well(even non-existant monsters and amalgametes). He killed Alphys and Mettaton NEO Advanced, thus all boosted his LV beyond limit(he now has no limit) 21LV. He then killed every single monster that was left including Asgore, Flowey etc. By killing the whole monsterkind DustDust LOVE got to LV24. But DustDust didn't stop there. Since it took so little to him for genocing his whole race. DustDust decided that it would be better to kill every single human as well. Somehow DustDust passed the barrier(since his soul was now as strong as human and even stronger). So after a whole month DustDust killed humanity. They tried to fight him but his hate, determination and power was too much. Eventually by killing the whole humanity and leaving a history. DustDust returned and by the time Frisk already heading towards MtEbott. Now DustDust had 999999 LOVE by killing every single human except Frisk and Papyrus. 

Now he wanted to kill Papyrus that would made him stronger. Sans was consumed by hate and didn't have any control. But maybe someone might help him. 

Teleporting to Snowdin he finds Paps, who somehow missed Sans and how he killed the world.  DustDust now was going to kill him. But then Papyrus has started talking. 

"Sans that a nightmare for some reason when I woke up every monster including you went missing. I tried to search but found only dust. I felt so lonely and heartbroken by worry not Sans you are forgiven for your disappearance. Come and let's eat something" Papyrus said with such worry that Sans was gaining a bit more control. Also his physical apperance changed his emotions were emitting like crazy. 

DustDust(An Timeline+ An Timeline\ Dustale(DustDust)+Glitchtale): Hero of HateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang