A murdeous Encounter

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After his encounter with Betty, which left DustDust amused. He will give as much time to Betty to utilize her plan as needed. Of course, after all is said and done, he will singlehandently annihialite whatever she might throw at him. Yeah since he is too strong, even for his own good. Anyways he teleported himself to Toriel's house. He explained to her what happened. Which made her a bit worried but over all she was glad no one was hurt. Especially Sans nor her Asriel. 

DustDust told, that Betty was evil all along. That destroyed trust that Frisk had in them. Perhaps she was asking for too much. There was no one that was all good. At least she never knew persons that had been all around nice. Even kindness soul can have troubles with that. 

DustDust, however did not such difficulties. Even so he had hate within himself. It is truly a mystery. Perpaps, it just an overwhelming amount of LOVE that DustDust has. But it is scientifically impossible, but DustDust brokes all laws of logic. 

Rigth now Toriel asked DustDust to help her with duties. She as housekeeper asked for help. So DustDust provided it with his best effort. Since he had a lot of free time really. Normally DustDust would be bored. So his help will serve as distraction from his boredom. 

Welp, DustDust had spent reletively long time with Toriel's chores. But he cared little, he was glad to help. He would go with it for all day. After he had done everything, DustDust deciced to leave. He still should have overseeing his company to prevent trouble or deathly accidents. It's most difficult to do, since it can lead to serious problems. 

DustDust quickly teleported to shorten time spent on walk. Not from lazyness, but in rush. It ws a bit bad to go too fast. DustDust has thought differently, though. He had always a thing for time. he would be always in time, despite his lazyness. This habit has remained with him, even at surface. So yeah he would always arrive just in time. Whenever it will something small or important. 

Whatever, right now DustDust was checking if everything was alright with his company. Fortunately his company was doing better than ever before. Nothing seemed to be wrong. Though DustDust checked everything up a few times. 

It was not necessary. But you know when something catches DustDust interest. He would be very stubborn. Partly it was because of insane amount of determination DustDust had. But also his own personality. He wondered but he felt as if today, something big will happen. He doesn't know what it is. However he will be prepared as always have been. 

Right now DustDust decided to train a bit. It was nothing he out of normalcy. For him at least, perhaps other monsters can believe to be impossible. However for DustDust his training and warm up wasn't anything special. After two hours of straight honest work. DustDust rested a bit. He knew that Betty would be trying to get stronger with human souls. However DustDust will be ready for their battle at the end. He will always win, since he promised to never lose ever again. 

With that in mind DustDust sensed some strange aura. It seems as if some individials appeared here. Although they might not have good motives. Since their aura is alike him, but less dangerous and powerful. Perhaps they are other Sanses that DustDust theoritized about. That there is multiverse full of alternitive versions of himself. Maybe they can say what is happening, but sensing their aura DustDust knew they are not for good deeds here. Well their fault then, DustDust isn't someone merciful. He will kill outsiders if they have possess any danger to his love ones or universe.

But DustDust decided to not kill them too quickly. Perhaps he can fight a bit, he can't pass up opportunity to battle with powerful opponents. Even if they are alternative version of him. They should be strong, not as strong as him though. He can just feel that. With that DustDust left to find unexpected guests. DustDust wondered who they were. I mean he wanted to learn their story. Perhaps they didn't want to became something else. Just like him, for some reason he knew that kid would definetely be behind their change. 

DustDust(An Timeline+ An Timeline\ Dustale(DustDust)+Glitchtale): Hero of HateWhere stories live. Discover now