Dust or DustDust?

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After Betty left DustDust house, she headed towards other monsters. She met not every important monster still. She got her conclusions, she considered a few monster dangerous to her plan. DustDust is unknown but he is dark. Betty would keep her distance for now. However something tells her that he is something even worse than she. Which is nearly impossible but not completely. 

She wondered what might DustDust had done that she felt him as wrong. Right now she cared little about him. He was not important, at least for now. She wanted to measure how dangerous Gaster can be. However unluckily for her, he refused to show her his magic. Frisk did not persuade him with that, though. Betty had an ally with her, she needed to convince her to join. It would not really be difficult. She needs monster king to admit his crimes. Killing six children is a wrong action which is not acceptable in human society. 

Also something tells her that her plan won't go perfectly. Not in every sense of this word. They doesn't know what DustDust plans while she thinks she is one step ahead. Meanwhile. 

DustDust POV

Right now I was training my powers even more. You may say that I am already godly strong and you would not be wrong. However I want to became even stronger, since they are always someone stronger than you. I know that rule and I bet there is multiverse and other universes exist. If they ever go to my home, I will met them with everything I got. Anyways Betty is closer to make her move. I can feel that she will reveal, who she is. Since Gaster mentioned a tale about two siblings. Facinating book about how Brawery lost to determination and with cowerdy, she created a trait that could overcame determination Fear. That was easy to understand. 

To me she is nothing but a bug. However I am not going to kill her, tale says that Brawery created the most powerful creature in world. How hypocritic if you ask DustDust. This knowledge allows DustDust to know what to use against Betty. Before he even creates his plan, he needs to see her memories. Perhaps it will made him change his decision about killing her, who knows. But something is obvious DustDust will stop Betty no matter what. 

He will not let his friends, family, monsters and even humans suffer. He will make sure nothing ever hurts them. If someone dares to harm the ones he cares deeply about. They are for their suicidal battle. Right now he ended his training for today. DustDust each times becames better at controling his erges to kill someone. Yeah his LOVE is the main cause of this. Moreover he uses his abilities better and masters them more. He nearly zeroed their effects on his magic. Despite it being infinite. 

Yeah it was near impossible or impossible for DustDust to get tired right now. Since he achieve god-level he is not the same anymore. It's not surprising that he has so much power. Anyways DustDust heard that Asgore will have meeting with AMD devision. Honestly Jessica Grey the one leading them is not nice. She was constantly saying that monsters are bad and they shouldn't be among humans. DustDust learn that she has lost her daughter and she was blaming monster for her disappearance. Perhaps that is true, however she knows why they were so desperate to go up to the surface. 

When DustDust was in this meeting. The only one that he attended. Asgore was interrigated and he said only truth. He admitted that he killed six kids in order to break the barrier. Obviously AMD didn't like that, Asgore only explained why he had done that. Moreover he desribed the last child in underground. Somehow I felt Jessica's sadness and anger. I bet she will join forces with Betty for a while. She will see, who Betty actually are. 

I am not going to held anything against her. That would be interesting to see, how she will return her trait. I am convinced that she has integrity just like her daughter, who I can tak too. Yeah I can make connection with six kids that I absorbed in previous timelines. They are a bit scared of me, however they understand why I was doing it. They could remember every timeline just like me. So in fact they wanted to stop Frisk as well. Once they helped her but now, they doubted they will ever help her again. 

DustDust(An Timeline+ An Timeline\ Dustale(DustDust)+Glitchtale): Hero of HateWhere stories live. Discover now