The saved persons

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DustDust Pov

After I talked with Chara I feel lightier and perhaps easier in my soul. 'Nice' I thought while thinking of plan. Theoretically if Chara managed to return on her own, then it's possible for me to finally return dad from void. I still remember that fight, hopefully he won't hold any grudge. Probably he will forget what happened in void. DustDust just hoped everything will be alright with his dad. Sans loved his dad just as much as he lived his brother, so it's won't be surprising if you learned that Sans tried million of times to save Gaster. He did at least one attempt to save him from void per reset. Not counting two previous ones where he killed everything and met Gaster. 

Right now DustDust felt pretty confident that he would be finally be capable of fixing the machine fully. So he was eagered to get started. Also he knew that Chara couldn't stay in this world forever. She said that she is alive only because of amount of determination she absorbed from Frisk and some amalgametes.  So DustDust thought that if Frisk gives Chara half of her soul. That might be good. Since determination soul has property of growing. DustDust hope that dt soul of both will grow to a full one. Chara might even have a higher dt than this when she receives a real soul. But that would be something she will be able to live with. 

DustDust was working on his machine and also creating machine to transfer souls. If he makes it work not only Chara would be able ot live, possibly Asriel would go back to his original form as well. That why DustDust was taking his time. Luckily his iq was boosted in previous timelines so he were able to finish in a few days. 

"Hey DustDust what are doing?" Flowey asked curiously, since Sans let him be in here. He was watching Sans do work, rarely he was asked to give him some tools. Also he complained about not being stupid assistant. Sans only reassured him that it would be worth it. Flowey didn't quite understand why. But he figured that Sans was smarter than him even before. Now he was far smarter than before. So Flowey tended to not question stuff. 

"I am almost finished  working out my machines" DustDust replied while finally ending his work. He smiled at the fact, he could save most presious persons in his life. Perhaps being DustDust had it's advantages. Anyways DustDust gathered Chara and Frisk. Chara had lost some DT while he worked. She would not be able to survive for more than one day. Fortunately DustDust finshed his work just in time. 

"So why are we here, comedian?" Chara asked she was pale because of small amounts of determination. For determination soul this condition was fatal. DustDust knew that since he had saw it. Normally humans with less dt had problems. Now Chara couldn't naturally produce her determination unlike Frisk or DustDust himself. Why DustDust would give his determination to Chara, you may ask? That very easy to answer because of his determination is fused with hate. So giving determination also means giving hate. He can't risk like that. Especially when Chara was free from Hate influence. 

DustDust was immune to it as he fused his hate with dt, magic, with himself and etc. That why no matter how much hate he would have, that won't affect him, aside from getting more power and determination. As well as raising stats. That why Frisk is a perfect choice for the job. Her determination might be weaker but it's the same as Chara's. That is why she will be the transfer. 

Before that DustDust wanted to save his dad from void. Sans would see and hug his dad for the first time in years. DustDust was happy and somehow he felt stronger than ever before. He ignored this feeling and then he pressed the paly button. 

"Guys I see we need to close our eyes" DustDust exclaimed while closing his eyes. Chara, Frisk and Flowey followed his example. After a second room was consumed by a bright light. It's then dissapaites leaving a walking Gaster, who made his first steps in reality. He was shocked and proud that his son finally managed to revive him. Gaster didn't remember what happened in void but he clearly remembered all the timeline, including what Sans did. Gaster was sadden because of it, but also proud that DustDust managed to put a stop to human abuse. 

"Dad" DustDust nearly cried in the sight of his dad. 

"Hye did ya mist me" Gaster joked just like his son used to do. That left Flowey annoyed while Chara and Frisk giggled at his joke. They would never admit but they somehow missed Sans' terrible jokes. They might have been bad, at least they managed to light up the mood. That why they were happy that Gaster did it. Now Frisk certainly felt more comfortable about sharing half of her soul with Chara. Chara also easied her tension about whole process. 

"Hehehe let's avoid jokes for now. I need to ask of favor." DustDust asked

"What it will be?" Gaster replied with a bit curiousity. He in fact knew that DustDust should know any place on planet, since he went everywhere when he made humanity no more. So Gaster tried to hold his questions for now. 

"I need you to teleport souls here, since I won't be able to do that" DustDust answered Gaster demand for information. Gaster had no idea why DustDust required souls but it's no time for waste. So he vanished in an instant. 

Now DustDust began working on transfer. He then set up settings to be perfectly synsfronic. That was important part, since if he misleads one calculation then whole progress will explode or worse. Of course he wished no harm for Chara nor Frisk. So for protection he put them in durable glass which would be more force-proofable than bullet-proof. That why DustDust was more confident and easy to do this. No one before him did it, not even his father. So DustDust is the first monster in this regard. 

He was excited, yet scared. DustDust just hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. Right now Frisk soul was tranfering right into Chara. He saw how half of it, basically breaks and then flouted into Chara. her empty soul appears. At this moment DustDust appears and then holds her soul. He had an idea for Flowey. He knew how to make Asriel, well himself again. His work was a success, since both Chara and Frisk had half of soul. DustDust knew that won't be for long after a few days they would regrow full soul and dt back. 

"Is everything alright?' DustDust spoke with worry. He cred for both even if he won't admit it out loud. That doesn't mean he won't have his eyes on these kiddos. Welp time for Flowey. Luckily Gaster came just in time for Flowey. 

Then DustDust took seven souls from his dad and then he transfered their traits with vessel as Chara's previous empty soul. This allowed for Sans to make an unique soul for sriel to regain his physical form. So with that DustDust activated his masterpiece. After some time Asriel came out in his kid form. He was alright but he need to get used to his new soul nad body.

After that Toriel and Asgore are here and they were crying in happiness. In one day they lost their children, now they returned to live with them. After that Asriel with his six souls power and with Frisk's and Chara's help, he broke the barrier. 

To be continued...

DustDust(An Timeline+ An Timeline\ Dustale(DustDust)+Glitchtale): Hero of HateWhere stories live. Discover now