Chapter Three

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At first I felt better about finally telling him but when he didn't reply I started to second guess myself . I looked at my phone for like the 12th time in half and hour; still nothing. I sighed and tossed my phone to the side suppressing the urge to scream; sliding out of bed I tiptoed out of my room dodging the creaking floor boards. As I reached the kitchen I was halted in my steps by my father's voice.

"I'm worried about her Sydney, her and Naeyah have been friends since forever what possibly could have changed that? Did you hear the hatred in her voice" he said. I rolled my eyes, there was nothing to worry about.

"Harrison, there is nothing to be worried about, girls argue all the time they will fix it soon; but if it helps I'll talk to her" mum said. 

I sighed and walked into the kitchen

"Hey mommy, hi dad" I said dryly as I opened the fridge. Pulling out a can of coke I purposely slammed the fridge door and walked over to the snack cupboard retrieving a white lion bar.
"Arienne, are you okay?" Dad asked. I looked at him and nodded, I wasn't in the mood to talk to him.
"I understand you don't want to talk about it but I hope you girls sort it out soon" mum said hugging me. I smiled, this is why I'm such a mummy's girl she knew when to let sleeping dogs lie.
"I love you mommy.. you two old man" I said kissing them both as I went back up to my room. placing my iPod on its dock I allowed MRose's trippin to flow through the speakers as I flopped down on my bed feeling around for my phone. As my hand came in contact with the cool metal it vibrated, my stomach tied its self in knots as his name flashed across my screen. I had a mini battle with myself about opening his message, for some reason I felt scared. deciding to just get it over with I opened it
It's mad coz I liked u bare in school.

I looked at it and laughed despite the butterflies forming in my stomach as I replied:

That's why you slept with her in school, college oh and now to,multiple times at that: don't humor me :) 
This time he replied almost straight away
It's not even like that, I told her I liked you but she told me you liked my cousin Dami.
At that moment I don't think I could've hated her anymore than I already did, why would she even do that? I decided not to answer him for a while and texted Phoenix to come over; I felt so drained by the time she arrived.
"Who's going first you or me?" She asked throwing herself down opposite me. I sighed
"You go first, I'm tired of my own drama" I replied
"Okay well after Naeyah's outburst I decided to just get it out so I told mum about me and Richy and do you know what she said" she looked at me smiling.
"What?" I asked intrigued
"It's about time, I knew it was coming ever since you both turned 15" she replied. I fell back laughing.
"Only Aunt Misha can have you worried like that for no good reason" I said sitting up.
"I know right, so it's all systems go now I guess. Anyway come on your turn missy" she said staring at me. I sighed
"Okay so after I came up, Shane came up to 'check on me' then he asked me what Naeyah won but I chickened out and he left, then Jaiyden came up apologizing and you know I can't stay mad at his dumb ass but I told him she was a different story. Shane left, I unblocked his number and he started texting me asking about Naeyah again so I thought fuck it and told him ; long story short he said he liked me bare in school but Naeyah told him I liked his cousin Dami so that's why he started fucking with her." I said letting out a breath. Nix's face matched exactly how I felt; Angry.
"That girl is something else, she knew for three months that she was pregnant but didn't want to believe it so she's been taking tests almost everyday just to see the same damn thing. Aunt Sydney is taking her to the doctors tomorrow to see how far gone she really is." Phoenix said. I rolled my eyes
"I know mum is super excited but she won't show it because she can see I'm not over the moon about it but it's her first grandchild she has the right to go crazy and anyway I'll love that child regardless it's the mother I can't stand" I said giggling. As if on que mum walked into my room with a sheepish Jaiyden behind her
"Ma, you know we have this talk almost everyday; there's nothing wrong with knocking you know" I said dodging the pillow she threw my way as she sat down.
"Girl you better watch that lil smart mouth you got going on over there. Anyway Jaiyden wants to talk baby names with you guys" she said with a smile. I looked up at him and smiled he knew exactly how to get me on board and naming his child was just the icing on the cake.
"Aight let me hear em, because I know yo ass already got a list" he said laughing at me. I rolled my eyes
"Boy whatever; if it's a girl then Jaideene Naeomi and if it's a boy then Jaiyden Noah" I replied watching the small smile on his face
"Damn you did aight lil sis I like it" he said
"Well it's sorted then" mum said now smiling from ear to ear.
"Now Arienne I know you can't stand her but she has my child so could you at least try and be civil when she around even if it's just a hi" he asked me with pleading eyes.
"You better be glad you're my only sibling bruh, for you I'll try" I replied as I felt around for my phone which was flashing.
Shane- Isaiah:
Silent treatment already? Ahh my heart 💔.
I laughed out loud, I'd forgotten about texting him back:
Boy please ain't nothing wrong with your heart but my bad baby names made me forget to reply; I've herd what you said but that's all past now so it is what it is. What you doing now?
I hadn't realized that everyone was watching me till I put the phone down
"And who might that have been? Mum asked with a knowing smile. I shook my head
"Well 'nobody' sure got you acting a fool smiling and all" Jaiyden said staring at me.
"Okay you can go now Jaiyden" I said refusing to return his stare.
"Arienne don't be so mean to your brother" mum said following him out. I rolled my eyes at Nix who laughed
"I swear Jaiyden might as well be the baby of the family, Aunt Syd spoils him something rotten" she said as I looked down at my phone and slid it open reading his message.
Shane- Isaiah:
What if I don't want it to be past tho? What if I want us to give it a try? And nm just chilling u?
"Heifer what did he say? You're smiling so hard your jaw just might snap" Phoenix said wriggling her eyebrows.
I couldn't even repeat the words of his text so I just showed it to her instead. Her eyes grew wider as she read and re-read the text over and over.
"See I knew he wanted you; it's all in his eyes" she said I rolled my eyes but deep down I was smiling, don't get me wrong I've dated boys but I've always dated boys that had some sort of resemblance to him. I took my phone back and began to type a reply:
What if I said okay let's do that? And in bed with Phoenix; she says hi.
I felt my stomach flip as the blue sending line came to an end and the words delivered appeared under the message I had just sent.
" So you know Dami is having a dinner and movie night on Tuesday for his 21st ;you have no excuse you don't have lectures the next day" Phoenix said smiling as I looked up at her. I thought about it, I always found an excuse not to go to anything Dami did as I knew Naeyah or one of her little friends would be there but what the heck I'm definitely going this time.
"Yeah why not it's been a long time since I've been to anything of Dami's. How comes he's only doing that it's not really like him?"I asked her curiously.
"Oh don't worry he's having a penthouse party next weekend and yes we are going" she said. This time I felt. little uneasy, dinner was cool but a pent house party would definitely mean trouble especially if he turns up. I swallowed and smiled at her
"Yeah why not, what's the worst that could happen".

I smiled down at her reply knowing that Phoenix would drag her to Dami's on Tuesday. I had a good feeling about her, she was the type of girl you take home to meet your mother with pride; all in due time though.

Guys I know this is short but I promise the next chapter will make up for it ;)
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