Chapter Six: Ties To The Baby Mother

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Jaiyden was a good guy, he didn't deny me or this angel in my stomach when he found out in fact he's been nothing but nice to me talking about we can make things work just so my parents won't disown me; I'm grateful to him for that. After Dami's party I decided to take him up on his little offer, I was tired of watching the one I've always wanted want another. Dami is the definition of perfect in so many ways but he hates my guts even from when we first met way before any of this mess happened. I could never understand why, was I not pretty enough? I tried everything I could to get his attention yet he always ignored me; looked at me like I was dirt.Shaking the thoughts out of my mind I turned and looked at Jaiyden, he was so close to perfect that it hurt, there was only one flaw; his sister. Arienne hated me and I guess she had every right to. Nobody understands how I could do what I did to her ; sometimes I don't even understand how I did it. Arienne is what you call beautiful, always has been. She had the perfect shape, nice hair, pretty face and a personality to match it. Back when we were kids it never bothered me but once we reached secondary school it did. Every guy wanted her even if she didn't know it. On our first day of year 7 boys from the year above were queuing to show her around like lost puppies. Call it what you want, insecurities, jealousy whatever; it is what it is. I had liked Dami for the longest yet all he seemed to do was pay attention to her ALL the time, I would see them laughing and joking and it would drive me mad, how could she get his attention so effortlessly when I tried so hard. I didn't care that they were God brother and sister, it was obvious that he liked her.  I shook my head that was all in the past now , what's done is done I couldn't undo all the wrong I had done to her; I had to focus on the here and now.

"Nae, you need to start getting ready for your appointment" Jaiyden said helping me up off the bed. I smiled he was so caring and helpful that I couldn't help but to like him. I shuffled around looking for all the things I needed.

"The baby folder is in my car boo, just get you shoes and jacket" he said smiling at me. I felt my heart strings tug ever so slightly as I put on my sandals and coat. He held my hand all the way to the car and even opened the door for me. I smiled slightly at the sight of the Nutella jar and spoon. Ever since this baby I'd been craving Nutella non stop. We drove along to the sound of J.Cole's Crooked smile. I noticed how he would look over at ever so often and wondered what was going through his mind. I knew he was fighting with himself whether to choose me or his sister; it was a hard battle but we both knew she would bend when it came to Jaiyden; me on the other hand it was never going to happen. I giggled as my little angel kicked inside of me like it knew I was thinking badly of its Aunty. We parked in the hospital parking lot and walked towards the entrance. He looked at me and smiled

"Ready to find out if we're having a little princess or a little menace" he asked holding my hand. I nodded.

We walked out of the hospital smiling. Jaiyden was so happy it was infectious, I wanted a little boy but was having a little princess.

"Have you told your family yet" I asked him as he drove off. He laughed

"Girl chill, you know Ri ain't gonna be bitter about this baby hell she gon be the most excited she always wanted a niece anyways" he replied putting my mind at ease just a little, however other than Arienne I had a bigger problem; Phoenix. Everyone knew how she felt about Jaiyden even though she wouldn't admit it. Phoenix had been in love with Jaiyden for as long as I can remember but when he messed up with me she pushed him so far away but I knew she still liked him. I promised Jaiyden that he could name the baby so I was anxious to find out what our little princess would be called. We pulled up outside his house and felt uneasy; I was entering a war zone.

"Bae be easy you ain't got nothing to worry about Ri ain't gon disrespect you in front of me; relax" he said holding my hand as we entered the house.

Game Of HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora