Chapter Five: Dami's Part 2; We Like To Party

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  You a bad girl and your friends bad too, oh
We got the swag sauce, she drippin' swagu
You a bad girl and your friends bad too, oh
We got the swag sauce, she drippin' swagu

Beyonce- Party 

Saturday arrived way to quickly for my liking. I was sitting on my bed, bendy rollers and all in getting semi ready for tonight's 'turn up'. Nix had talked me into taking out my braids and getting a burgundy ombre middle part weave that almost touched my bum if it was straight. To say I was nervous was a big understatement but there was no way I was going to talk myself out of this; I HAD to go. Scrolling through my phone I watched numerous snap chats of girls parading their outfits for everyone to see and boys buying bottles after bottles and shook my head. I never understood why girls did that, show off their outfit before wearing it; it took the suspense away from it. Personally it didn't bother me though it just put my mind at ease that I wouldn't be the only one dressed up properly. Looking over at the box on the chair I smiled knowing that I was actually going to look fire tonight, I had to for numerous reasons.

1. To let Shane know what he's working with

2. To let these girls know that Shane isn't up for grabs

3. To show Zach what he'll forever be missing

Picking up my now vibrating phone I smiled
"Waasup, girl where you at?" I asked Phoenix.
"You're gonna be too gassed about who your mum is about to walk in the house with" she said excitedly. With the phone still to my ear I jumped off my bed and went to the top of the stairs as the door opened. My mouth dropped open as I saw who it was.
"Oh my gosh Dijunae, Moriah you're here" I screamed running down the stairs into a big group hug. They laughed.
"Girl you look like you getting ready to turn up I want ins" Moriah said grinning at me.
"Come on let's get ready" I said running back up the stairs realizing Phoenix had hung up.
"So who's party is it" Dijunae asked sitting on my bed.
"You guys remember Dami?" I questioned. They nodded
"That fine ass with the hazel eyes right" Moriah said causing me to laugh
"Err yeah that one" I said.
"Right so we already know the grimy bitch is gonna be there who else gon be there?" Moriah asked.
"Ermm Zach, the girls from last summer, loads of people; oh and Shane" I said quickly walking over to the box sitting on my desk chair.
"Wait girl pause, Shane as in Shane Shane?" Dijunae asked. I nodded my head.
"We kinda talk now" I said pulling the dress out of the black tissue paper.
"Well now that I know that we gotta beat your face to perfection; let me see your dress" Dijunae said. I spun round holding the dusty pink dress up. Moriah smiled and nodded in approval
"See this is what I'm talking about that dress is everything and you haven't even put it on yet"she said running her hand down the material.
"Hey bitches" Phoenix said closing the door with her foot. I looked up and laughed this girl wasn't playing she had an overnight bag that couldn't even close because of all the curlers and whatever else was in there.
"Nix girl how you doing" Moriah said hugging her before Dijunae jumped on her; she loved nix.
"I'm good; damn Dijunae let a girl breath" she said laughing.
Whilst they all got ready I sat down watching them , they believed that I had to look the nicest tonight so I've been instructed to let them work their magic.
An hour later we were all ready and I will toot my own horn I looked fucking beautiful, the dusty pink dress hugged my figure perfectly exposing the top of my back tattoo. I looked in the mirror making sure my backless bra wasn't out of place before we all posed for a group selfie.I looked at the picture and smiled it was too buff. I quickly uploaded it to Instagram before joining everyone downstairs.
"Ayyy, Arienne where the back of your dress at?" Jaiyden said screwing me. I kissed my teeth
"Jaiyden don't start with me I'm not a baby" I said rolling my eyes; man I wish he was out. He looked at me and shook his head before his eyes landed on Phoenix. They made their way across her face and lingered on her body a little longer than he wanted them to. I looked at Moriah and smirked; everyone in our family knew how Jaiyden felt about Phoenix and how she low key felt about him but they wouldn't admit it to any of us.
"Aight well ya'll have fun and don't get fucking reckless cos I'll kill a niqqah and then ya'll" he said shooing us out the door to our awaiting cab; there was noway any of us were going to drive.
"So are you like nervous or nah?" Moriah asked. I looked and her and smiled ; it was her way of showing she cared without putting to much emotion into it.
"I mean I am a little bit like I haven't seen him in a long time but I know I don't feel nothing for him" I said she nodded. I looked over at Nix and wondered who she was texting that has her smiling like that but decided not to call her out on it.
"Alright we're here ladies; have a good time" the driver said as we all piled out. I looked up in awe this place was beautiful I couldn't wait to look out at the view.
We stepped out of the lift and gave each other the once over before knocking on the door. Dijunae insisted on being first in line and I had managed to be last but that was cool.
"Say swear Dijunae and Moriah yeah, what you saying ladies" Dami said hugging everyone as they came in.
When he finally reached me he paused as I slipped off my coat.
He nodded his head in approval
"Ay Arienne your doing bits in that dress; Shane is a lucky prick" he said hugging me.
"Thanks boo, and boy please he's not lucky yet; where is he anyway?" I asked. He chuckled and pointed into what looked like a kitchen. I nodded and purposely didn't go looking for him instead I joined the girls in the main room.
"Have you seen lover boy yet?" Nix asked smiling. I smiled and shook my head; as much as I wanted to I wasn't going to look for him. I looked around spotting Naeyah in the corner with Zach and swallowed turning back.
"They really suit" I said rolling my eyes. Every time I saw them together I thanked my lucky stars that he fucked up.
"Don't even sweat it hunny you know you better" Moriah said smiling
"And speaking of better"Nix said grinning. I smelt him before I heard him. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering like they were trying to escape as he wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder.
"Hello ladies" he said smiling at Dijunae and Moriah. They looked at me and nodded their approval causing me to laugh.
"We'll leave you to it yeah Ri" Moriah said waving at him as they left. I turned and smiled at him.
"Well don't you like nice" I said taking in his attire. He was dressed in dark true religions with a black dress shirt and black balenciaga's. I noticed the way his eyes ran over me from head to toe and back again.
"You look beautiful Ri" he said. The way he said my name made my insides flip.
"Well I do try" I said jokingly flicking my curls from side to side. He laughed.
"Aw well aren't you two cute" an all to familiar voice said. I rolled my eyes at her.
"What you saying Shane"Zach said spudding him.
"It's been a while still" Shane said pulling me closer to him.
"Indeed, how've you been Ri"? Zach asked. I screwed, did he think we were buddies or something
"Don't call me Ri, we're not friends, we're not even associates." I said looking from him to Naeyah.
"I thought we put all of that in the past" he said looking down. I had to stop myself from laughing.
"You thought wrong; oh and Naeyah I know you don't plan on drinking that with my niece or nephew inside you" I said taking the drink from her hand and walking away. I let out a deep breath I couldn't lie Zach looked good but I wasn't about to fall back in like with him. I walked into the kitchen to get myself a drink.
"Hey Arienne, rah you look buff man" Jayde said smiling at me. I smiled back
"Thanks Hun, you look nice too your dress is buff" I said mixing dissorano with cranberry juice and coke.
"Have you seen Naeyah yet?" She asked in disgust. I nodded
"She's in there somewhere with Zach" I replied. Her eyes clouded over for a second.
"With Zach.. as in light skinned with brown eyes Zach?" She questioned. I nodded slowly.
"She really is a bitch; we only broke up last week. She told me he wasn't worth it' and that if he really loved me he would have come clean about cheating earlier" she said looking hurt. I had the urge to laugh.
"Oh I know that line all to well she told me the exact same thing when he did that to me ; only for me to find out it was her he was cheating with. If she wasn't having my niece or nephew I would have beat her up by now" I said.
"You guys went out too, I'm sorry I didn't know." She said quietly.
"Jayde listen this was first year of college , we're in our second year of uni now, I really don't care" I said laughing a little. She nodded as we made our way into the main room where Salty's Tic Toc was playing. We walked over to Nix and watched Moriah in action with Dami behind her.
"Ri, I don't know why your standing there like this ain't your song" nix said to me making me laugh. I downed the rest of my drink and felt myself loosen up a little more as the dj replayed the song a bit faster. For a while I forgot that I didn't really dance in public, I loved when dj's sped songs up it was more of a challenge; I was in my own world but still aware that Shane was now behind me and a small circle had now formed watching us. I knew I could hit every beat but I don't think he'd be right behind me either. After a while the song ended and I stood back up as if nothing had happend.
"Yess and Bashment Ri is back" Nix said making us all laugh
"Nah Bashment Ri is retired she just came out to play" I said smiling.
"Not if I have anything to do with it" Shane said pulling me closer to him making me giggle.
"Aww Ri, you definitely need to have his babies" Dijunae said making them all laugh.
"Junae! Shut up with that" I said looking away from him.
"Nah she's right though, you're gonna have my babies; all six of them" Shane said smiling. I choked
"Six what? From where? You bumped your head babes" I said laughing
"Okay okay , 4 then" he said like we were bargaining chicken. I just laughed, looking over at Moriah and Dami in the corner; Aww they were cute it's a shame she stilled lived in Atlanta.
"Ayy what's ole' girls problem she better know I'll break her nose if she keeps eyeing Moriah like that" Dijunae said screwing . I looked over to where she was looking and rolled my eyes.
"Dijunae leave her she's carrying Jaiyden's child remember" I said hoping she would calm down. She rolled her eyes but nodded. I felt eyes burning into me but ignored it and made my way up to the toilet, after refreshing my lipstick and checking my hair wasn't all over the place I unlocked the door only to be pushed back lightly.
"I've been waiting to get you alone all night" Zach said locking the door behind him. I froze was he okay? Was his brain functioning well?
"Are you crazy or stupid which one is it?" I said trying not to get angry.
"You look beautiful" he said eyeing me up and down. I felt uncomfortable in his presence, I looked down and thanked God I had my phone. I unlocked it and text Shane:
Help; Bathroom Now.
I looked up to see him starring at me.
"So you and Shane how long has it been?" He asked stepping closer to me. I stepped to the side.
"Who I see and talk to is none of your business." I said wishing Shane to get here faster. He stepped closer again; I had nowhere else to go.
"You will always be my business" he said closing the gap between us. I felt sick he was too close to me, his scent filled my nose; a smell I once loved.
"Leave me alone" I said as the key turned in the lock.
"Ri you alright yeah?" Shane said pulling me towards him. I nodded.
Zach smirked
"I'll leave you alone when I believe you're actually over me" he said placing his lips on my check; I flinched.
"Yo Zach we're kl but don't ever disrespect like that again; your lips have no business on any part of her" Shane said holding my hand.
"My bad init" Zach said laughing as he walked out. I sat on the closed toilet lid and let out a breath I didn't need this; not now not ever.
"You sure you're good Ri? He didn't try nothing nah?" Shane asked.
"I'm fine and no he didn't" I said plastering a small smile on my face. I felt at ease with Shane around; I liked the feeling. He held my hands and gently pulled me up into a hug resting his head on my shoulder; his soft breathing was tickling my neck ever so slightly. He placed gentle kisses along my neck making his way up to my jaw line before finally landing on my lips. It felt like anytime our mouths connected a firecracker was set off inside me sending electric bolts all through me. His fingers traced over the top of my back tattoo as the kiss deepened. My eyes roamed over his face and the fact that he was watching me also created a heat between my legs that I hadn't felt in a long time. Slowly he pulled away but didn't let go of me; I didn't want him to. Being around him made me lose temporary control of my moral senses as well as my emotional ones.
"You look tired b" he said huskily. There and then I wanted him to have his way with me ; in many different ways. I swallowed hard and tried to regain control of my thoughts.
"I am but it wouldn't be nice if I left now plus Moriah is enjoying her time with Dami" I said quietly. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. He nodded
"You don't have to leave, come"he said walking me out of the bathroom and to a room three doors down. It almost reminded me of my own room minus the balcony of course. I threw myself down on the bed and smiled it was so comfy. I heard him chuckle
"I'll get you something to sleep in yeah" he said exiting and returning quickly.
"Thank you " I said taking the basket ball shorts and T-shirt from him. I looked around awkwardly before sliding the shorts under my dress the putting the top over it.
"Unzip me please" I asked him. He smirked and walked over.
"With pleasure babes" he said. I laughed pushing the elicit thoughts to the back of my mind. He took his time unzipping me placing light kisses down my back causing me to shiver. He pulled the dress down and stepped back making me pout at the fact that he stopped there.
"Thanks" I said climbing into the bed.
"Night b" he said turning off the light.
"Shane" I said.
"Yeah babes" he replied. I was silent for a while not sure what to say next; I didn't want him to leave.
"Stay with me... please" I said quietly. I heard him lock the door and walk over to the bed. After some rustling he pulled back the sheets and climbed in, instantly I felt his body heat radiating against my skin and took a deep breath.
"You alright yeah" he asked slipping his arms around my waist sending my heart beat into overdrive. I nodded my head not trust myself to speak. I could feel him smirk against my neck.
"Night Ri" he said kissing my neck.
"Night Shane" I whispered. His right hand rubbed my stomach in circular motions ; I felt at ease as my eyes slowly fluttered close.
"Ri" Shane said quietly
"Hmm" I replied sleepily
"You're gonna have my children you know" he said continuing to rub my stomach. I thought about it and smiled, deep down I knew he was t lying; all in due time.

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