Chapter Seven; Can't turn a hoe into a housewife

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5 months later...
I sat and stared in awe of my baby, she was beautiful; just like them. Jaiydeene has their smile, their eyes, the completion yet she resembles a balanced mix of both of us. I looked over at him, he adores her in a way he never adored me, it was clear who had his affections no matter how hard he tried to cover them. Life had a funny way of dealing you your cards.
"I'll be back later I need to clear my head" I told Jaiyden. He looked at me with sad eyes and nodded kissing me lightly, as I walked out a lone tear slipped down my face. I quickly wiped it away and text Him that I was on my way.I'd been seeing him for 3 months now and I loved it, all the attention he gave me; something I craved so intently.

I reached his house and pressed the bell lightly.
"Hello darling, how are you" his mum said pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back
"I'm fine Aunty, how are you? I hope He's not giving you too much trouble" I said making her laugh.
"He's upstairs, I'll see you later" she said walking out of the door. Home alone; just how I liked it. The moment I set eyes on him between my legs began to throb; he had that effect on me. I barely made it through the pleasantries of saying hello before I jumped on him, he was addictive.

My back arched and my toes curled for the 5th time that afternoon yet he continued to go on, sweat dripped from his body to mine as our bodies slammed together over and over. My phone vibrated next to me Jaiyden's name flashing across the screen. A wave of guilt rushed through me, why and how could I do this to him? He was and is nothing but nice to me. I was like cocaine; anyone I touched I destroyed.

I watched Jaiydeene as she slept and saw nothing but Arienne and Naeyah in her the only thing of mine she had were my eyes. I smiled baby girl was beautiful, I checked my phone; Damn still no call back. Nae was starting worry me lately she just been so distant I ain't know what to do. I spent almost all my time with her and the baby but it's like she can't get away from me sooner.
"She looks so much like your sister" she said making me jump a little. I looked down at her; something was different.
"Where you been at?" I asked quietly.
"I went for a walk, then I stopped by Mya's house" she said not batting an eye lid. I looked at her then nodded pulling her closer to me.
"I like you a lot Nae" I said to her lightly kissing her lips; her reluctance to kiss me back told me all I needed to know. I looked at her and shook my head.
"I'm sorry I'm just tired" she said not looking at me. I nodded but said nothing,looking back at our daughter I sighed for her I'd try just a little longer but my mom was always right; you can't make a hoe a housewife. I kissed Jaiydeene and walked out the room into my own leaving her standing there texting away.


I watched her as she lay asleep in my arms and sighed, I had love for her but I wasn't in love with her and I knew she wasn't in love with me either; it was him it always had been. I wondered how much longer we were going to continue doing this; being with each other yet loving another. She shifted in her sleep making me smile a little she slept like such a child. My phone vibrated:

Today was amazing, but I can't get free again till Saturday :( I'll see you then babe xx

I smiled but felt bad at the same time ; she didn't deserve what I was doing to her, neither did he. They say you can't help who you love, no matter how toxic they can be there's just something about their being that keeps drawing you back to them, that was she was, just like a drug; like crack to a crack fein.


I put my books down on the floor in the library and sat on the bean bag in front of them, the library had been my second home over the last couple of months ; exams were not going to kill me. I opened up my notebook and began going over my notes, Jayde and Phoenix would be joining me soon. My phone vibrated causing my eyes to hover over the screen; who dared to disturb my library time.
Seeing it was group chat I shook my head and went back to work only to be disturbed by a series of vibrations. Sighing I used my thumb to unlock my phone as see what all the fuss was:
Guess what!!!!
What heifer?
Naeyah has a new boyfriend!
Pee'Nix: L O L 👌
I'm sorry when did her and Jaiyden break up I'm lost !

I quickly joined them
Ri'Savannah Hill:
Wait, Jayde how do you know this; Riah they are still together stupid!

I was at Kahver's house and he was talking to someone on the phone then he turned to me and was like swear down Naeyah and Jaiyden broke up so I played along and nodded then he said rah she don't waste no time since she's already with one boy.

I wanted to punch her

Ri'Savannah Hill:
Is her head correct like does she have sense and who the fuck is this boy??

Kahver's brothers friend.

I re-read the message. I thought hard she'd be crazy if she thought to step out on him and the baby. If I told Jaiyden he'd think I'm saying it because I don't like her ; I needed evidence but I also didn't have time for that, she'd slip up eventually

       I threw my bag down and quickly changed into house clothes before washing my hands. I walked into the nursery and picked up my niece; she was beautiful. Her eyes lit up as she began to smile at her
"That's right baby girl; your favorite Aunty is here" I said to her making her giggle. Thinking back to the conversation on group chat my smile faltered, Jaiyden did everything for her even things she never asked for yet she still couldn't be faithful.
"She really loves you".
I ignored her and continued playing with Jaiydeene, I heard her sigh moving closer to me.
"Look Ri... I mean Arienne we're basically family now you can't keep this not talking to me up" she almost whispered. I looked up at her and laughed.
"Naeyah, you have my brothers baby that is all your nothing but a baby mum in my eyes ; if it has nothing to do with Jaiydeene then we have nothing to talk about is that clear enough for you." I said turning my eyes back to the cot and smiling.
"Jaiyden loves me I.. I know he does I'm not just his baby mum Arienne" she said sounding hurt. I kissed my teeth.
"Jaiyden hasn't ever loved you get it right everybody knows where Jaiyden's heart is ; even you" I hissed at her.
"It's not true he does love me" she said sniffing. I was really trying to hold my tongue because of my niece.
"What does it matter you're fucking someone else anyway right" I said covering Jaiydeene's ears as I looked at her. She flinched, so it was true.
"You don't know what you're talking about" she said quietly. I laughed at her stupidity.
"Maybe not, but you do. I suggest you keep my niece away from that mess otherwise we'll have an even bigger problem." I said walking out of the room.

Hi guys, I know it's a shortish chapter but it's about to go down; vote comment and all that jazz ❤️

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