Chapter Four: Dami's Part1; Kisses for breakfast

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I love it when you smile at me

You will never have to weep with me

I'll be that happiness that moves your heart

And when you sleep i'll find my way into your dreams


I threw clothes from my wardrobe to the bed and vice versa I wasn't getting anywhere with this. I let out a frustrated scream I hated not knowing what to wear, I looked at the clock, 7.30; Phoenix would be back any minute now and I knew she would cuss me to heaven and back if I wasn't dressed. I sat in the middle of my bed surrounded by piles of clothes slowly loosing hope when my eyes settled on a nude lace bralet. I stood up with a small smile on my face as I pulled out my white ripped top shop jeans from the wardrobe and slipped them on doing a little dance to get them past my thighs, I then slipped the bralet over my head and began styling my braids in a twisted doughnut bun. once I was satisfied with it I Began opening shoe box after shoe box until I found my nude heels and slipped them on my feet.

"Arienne you better be dressed in there" Phoenix yelled outside my door. I laughed as I flung the door open to let her in.

"Shit you're really not playing about this time; you look peng peng my niqqahh" she said giving me a high five.

"thanks boo, you look buff to" I said as I sat down for her to do my face. I took in what she was wearing and smiled, she was wearing black jeans with a backless black bodysuit and black heels, her now black and purple hair were in a mass of curls on her head; she looked buff. when she was finally done with my face I smiled she always outdone herself with this stuff.

"Girl what would I do without you huh" I said gathering my things into a white clutch bag. she laughed

"Listen can't have these run down heifers tryna fuck up the base understand" she said locking my door behind us.

"Just be calm when we get there, I know you're nervous but its going to be fine" Nix said as we rounded the corner to the restaurant. I sighed and nodded my head, my temper was something like a volcano when it erupted and I wasn't tryna go through that anytime soon. We stepped out of the car and gave each other the once over before walking in arm in arm.

"Rah Miss Savannah-Lei you know, finally grace one of my events with your beautiful presence; I'm honored" Dami said with a lopsided grin as he reached up to hug me. I rolled my eyes playfully

"It's Arienne Dami you know better than to be calling me by my middles; happy birthday stink butt" I said squeezing his cheeks as I took a seat next to him.

"Since this is our reunion I won't hurt you but touch my cheeks again and we'll fight. Miss Haynes wats good Luv? I've actually missed you" he said causing us both to laugh.

"I'll take your present right back you know" I said smirking at him. He laughed

"Don't worry Shane and Richy are on their way to put you two in check" he said returning my smirk. My stomach flipped at the mention of his name but I kept a calm face.

"Hey, Arienne, Phoenix listen I know we never really got along but I'm sorry yeah" Jade said half smiling at us. My problem was never really with Jade, I just never spoke to her because she chilled with Naeyah

"Look its fine, our problem was never really with you anyway" Phoenix said for the both of us. I was about to speak when the door swung open

"What you saying you man waited for us yeah" Richy said showing all his teeth.

"Ay its about time you two got here, your women don't have no behavior; I beg you check them please" Dami said winking at me, I rolled my eyes at him and pointed towards his gift

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