Chapter Two- The Calm & The Storm.

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I watched as she walked away from me in shock, she had definitely changed since secondary school and college. I watched how her hips moved as she walked, hair moving from side to side; Arienne was buff and what makes it better is she doesn't even know it. There's nothing sexier than a girl who is effortlessly pretty. My thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of my phone, a small frown crossed my face as I looked at the text Naeyah had sent me. I made my way through the house stopping occasionally to say hello to some people.   As I reached my room I heard Naeyah's voice

"Yeah you could tell it was burning her but you know how Arienne is she'll stunt like she don't care." She said. I shook my head and walked in, she looked up and smiled at me before telling whoever she was talking to that she had to go.

"You alright babe?" She said. I nodded and continued to watch her, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with her.

"I thought you said you wasn't feeling to good" I said to her sitting on one of the chairs in my room.

"I'm not, I feel like i'm going to be sick, but not physically" she said. I continued to stare at her not knowing if she was lying or telling the truth.

"There's meds in my bathroom cabinet, yeah" I said still watching her. she nodded slightly, not really looking at me.

"Nae, what happened between you and Arienne? You two used to be tight in school" I said not bothering to sugar coat it. She looked at me this time and rolled her eyes

"I don't know why you care but whatever, she just started acting funny with me all of a sudden like being bare anti and that so we went our separate ways" she replied. I knew there was more to it, their stories just didn't match up but  decided to leave it, Naeyah was the sort of girl to catch an attitude real quick and I knew her well enough to know one was coming. I stood up and walked towards the door.

"Why do you ask about her so much? It's annoying you know" she said. I wasn't going to entertain her, I think she forgot who's house she was in. I continued towards the door ignoring her but she wouldn't let it go

"It's like your obsessed with her or something, like I'm not your girlfriend" she said. I paused how much had this girl had to drink please? I turned to her

"But your not my girlfriend Naeyah, we've been through this before, you're the one who wanted this friends with benefits thing and it works just fine" I said calmly. Every time Arienne's name came up she started catching Hella feelings.

"Yeah I know no need to remind me." She said turning over. I couldn't even be bothered with her drama, so I made my way to the door once again

"Wait" she said quietly. i sighed slowly turning around.

Yeah?" I replied hoping she wasn't about to start anymore problems.

"How do you feel about children?" she said staring straight at me. my heart dropped; what the hell did she mean?

"I don't" I said as I walked out switching the light off. I went on a search for Phoenix knowing she would know where Arienne was, I found her hugged up with Richy and shook my head.

"Nix, where's Arienne?" I asked her after greeting the two of them. She looked a little confused

"She left like 45 minutes ago why what happened?" She asked her face getting serious. I blow out some air.

"Nothing, nothing just a minor run in with Naeyah" I said calmly. She kissed her teeth

"The day Arienne is gonna beat the black off that little rag doll is fast approaching and I will gladly tag team with her" Nix said. She was proper angry which made me believe that what I had heard was true. I chilled with them a bit longer before going to find my cousin Dami; finding him was a mission as he mixed with too many people. I was in the garden when he finally popped up next to me.

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