🌧♥️Eugene x sad!reader♥️🌧

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Y/n's POV

I was on the porch of my house in Alexandria crying because Carol slapped me for speaking my mind. It was night so I was trying not to be loud and wake someone up. I hear the door open and quickly wipe the tears from my face and put on a fake smile. Eugene walks out of the house and looks at me emotionless (like always). I wave with the fake smile on my face.

"What are you doing up?" I ask

"I could ask you the same question, but to answer you're question I can't sleep" he says while walking towards me and sitting down on the bench beside me

He notices I sound different

"What's wrong" he asks

"Huh? Nothing, why?" I ask "confused"

"You sound like you've been crying" he says

"Oh, it's just allergies messing with my nose" I say trying to convince him

"You know I don't believe that" he says

"Why not?" I ask actually confused this time

"Just because it's dark doesn't mean I can't see that your eyes are red and puffy" he says

"It's just allergies-" I say before being cut off by Eugene

"No it's not" he says more sternly

"Why do you care?" I say getting annoyed

"Well if one of my only friends is crying I would like to know the reason" he says less sternly

"I can't tell you... I'm sorry" I say about to get up but he stops me

"Please- just tell me" he says softly

"Do you promise you won't tell anyone?" I ask as my voice begins to break

"If you don't want me to then I won't" he says while putting his hand on my knee

"Well uh... I was telling Carol about some things that have been bothering me that she's been doing" I begin to explain

He nods

"And um... she really didn't like that and she- she slapped me..." I say as tears start rapidly falling down my face

He didn't say anything. Instead he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly while I cried. When I stopped crying he pulled away and wiped the tears from my face.

"Are you ok?" He asks softly

"Yea... I'll be ok" you say

"Why don't you want people to know... they can help you" he asks

"Because she'll be pissed off if I told someone and I don't want her to do it again" I say looking down

"If you get Rick involved he will not let her lay a finger on you again. You saw how Rick acted when he found out Pete was hurting Jessie" he says

"Yea but Rick loves Jessie. Me and Rick are friends, he doesn't love me" I say

"Do you really think he won't help someone who has been with him since the beginning?" He asks

"Well... I don't know" I say

"Look at me" he says softly

I look up from looking at my feet and my eyes meet his

"If you let Rick and the rest of the group help you you won't have to deal with her again" he says giving you hope

"Ok... I'll tell him and the rest of the group about it tomorrow and see if they can do anything" I say

"They were able to do something with Pete for awhile" he says

"Yea but we know how that turned out" I say re-living that moment in my head

"If she hurt you she deserves the same thing" he says

"It was just once. She doesn't deserve to die for slapping me once" I say

"I happen to think that she does" he says

"Why?" I ask

"Because I care about you and it's a common thing for people to wish other people were dead for hurting someone they care about" he says

"Well it's nice to know you care" I say with a small smile

I wait a little bit before resting my head on his shoulder. He wraps one arm around my waist. We just sit there in silence for awhile, enjoying the quietness.

"Well I think it's time for me to go to bed" I say while standing up off the bench

He stands up as well

"If- if you want you can sleep near me tonight... if that would make you feel safer" he says awkwardly

I laugh

"Of course" I say with a smile

We both walk inside the house and try not to step on the other people sleeping on the floor. He lays down on some blankets and pats his hand down beside him, gesturing me to lay by him. I gladly lay by him and he pulls a blanket over us. He wraps his arms around me and rests his forehead on the top of my head.

"I won't let anyone hurt you... I promise" he says

"I know" I say with a smile

He held me tightly as we both fell asleep

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