👯Their reactin to you coming out as lesbian👯

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Sorry if this isn't very different from the bi one or the gay one, I don't have many ideas for this but someone wanted a lesbian one so imma do it anyway.

Is very supportive. Tries to hook you up with Tara.

I cannot think of anything, so sorry.

He has a crush on you so he was a little down for awhile but he is still very supportive

So happy because she secretly likes you

(Kinda like the gay preference) she ships you and Tara a LOT

He was very proud of you that you came out because he knows how hard it is

"Just don't try anything with my wife" that's all he said. You knew he was joking cause he had a smile on his face so you just laughed

She was a little disappointed because she thought you and Daryl would've been a good couple but she is still very happy for you

Someone: I mean he is a man of god so can you really blame him for not being 100% with the idea?

Y/n and me: yes, yes we can.

(Like the other coming out preferences cause I'm a basic bitch) she makes you pride cookies

Is sad for Rick because he knows he likes you but is still happy for you

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