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Ellie's POV

I left the room and went and sat down where we were with Phil last night, his guitar was still there. I noticed, however, that his backpack was not there, so I went around the theater looking for him.

At one point I saw Jesse

"Hey Jesse."

"Oh hi Ellie" He replied

"Have you by any chance seen Phil? I can't find him"

"Phil? Um- He- No, I haven't seen him"

"Jesse, you were never good at lying, spit it out"

"Well, here- He- He went to the hospital, looking for a WLF- He said about someone named Nora"

My hands began to shake, I was worried since he had left me alone without telling me anything

"What do you mean? And you didn't go with him?" I asked

"I wanted to go, but he told me to stay here to protect you and Dina, his orders"

"Fuck-" I said and sat down waiting for him to return safely

Phil's POV

I climbed to a rooftop and could make out the hospital in the distance

"Bingo" I exclaimed.

So I climbed down from that roof and went through some stores, finding some ammunition and useful things. At one puto a big guy with a huge axe popped up, I tried to knock him out but he didn't move an inch. He threw me to the ground and tried to hit me with his axe, but I managed to pull out my gun in time and fire a shot right between his eyes, taking him out.

"Damn man, that was close" I sighed as I got up from the ground.

As I continued on my way, I saw some guys dressed in brown suits, whistling at each other.

"Who the fuck are these guys? Why the hell are they whistling?" I asked myself.

I then climbed up to a window but heard a whistle, and soon after a straight arrow in my right shoulder.

"Son of a bitch!" I shouted, trying to remove the arrow

I finally managed to take it out and bandaged my wound, which was still fresh and open.

I saw another, or maybe the same one, of the one who had shot the arrow at me; this time his back was turned, so I sneaked up on the bastard and grabbed him from behind, plugging his mouth.

"Come here you bastard" I dragged him into the house and tied him to a chair, blocking his mouth with a bandage

"You like spearing people with arrows, don't you?" I said, drawing my knife

"Let's see how you like it when they do it to you" Having said that, I stabbed him in the shoulder, and I could feel all his pain

"It's good isn't it? Isn't it beautiful? You bastard!" I shot him in the stomach and left him there to finish dying

I continued on, trying to avoid all those guys, and went through some houses. I looked out the window of a house and saw below a raging river, then suddenly a clicker trying to grab me pushed me down with him into the river. I took him out underwater and got out as quickly as I could to catch my breath, but I couldn't get out of the raging river. The water thus carried me into the sewers. I tried to get out of the sewers by first getting out of the water, which by now smelled dead.

"Nora, you better still be alive," I said.

I used a ladder and got out of the sewers, looked at the map and saw that I was near the hospital

The Last Of Us Part II x Male Reader | USWhere stories live. Discover now