Chapter 4: Patti LaBelle

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Weeks went by with me going to school, fucking, and spending time with Domo. I was currently laid up with Kairo, watching a movie. That's all we were doing because this coochie was going to somebody else tonight. My head was on his chest, and I could hear his steady breathing.

"Can I ask you something?" I heard Kairo ask.

"What you want?" I asked him.

"What are we?" He asked.

"Humans," I responded. I then laughed when Kairo made a face at me.

"Nah I'm being serious and yo ass wanna play," he said.

"I mean, what you wanna be?" We already dated. You was cheating. We fucking here and there right now. I don't know what else you expect," I told him in all seriousness. Fuck was he thinking?

"What if I want more?"

"Kai, I ain't going down that road with you again," I responded.

"Why the fuck not?" he asked, looking very offended.

"Kairo, why in the fuck would I consider you anything more than the nigga I'm fucking when I feel like it?" I asked with folded arms.

Kairo sat up and scooted to the other side of the bed. My head dropped from his chest and onto a pillow that was nearby.

"That's all I am to you?" Kairo asked me. He was looking for his sweatpants and slides.

I got up because I realized how off-putting that sounded.

"I didn't mean for that to come out the way it did. I'm just a little confused. Do you want to get back with me? Shit, are you trying to get back with me?"

Kairo was quiet for a while. He just went around looking for more of his stuff. He was now fully clothed, so I assumed he was looking for his car keys at this point.

"Kai? Talk to me. I asked you a question."

"So?" He replied.

"So? I didn't get an answer," I said.

"Ebony what the fuck you think? Of course, I want to be with you. I always wanted to give this another shot. I thought you wanted the same. That's why I've tried to spend more time with you. That's why I'm over here," he said.

"Kairo, we have been spending more time together because we've been having sex. How am I supposed to know that you're looking for anything other than that? We haven't gone on any dates, we haven't discussed a future together, we haven't done anything that would give either of us an indication that it's more than sex."

"You know how you feel about me. There's nothing to talk about," Kairo told me. He had come over to me and he was now holding my hands. I snatched my hands out of his.

Having sex with Kairo was amazing. My feelings for him may have faded a little, but they certainly weren't gone. He didn't need to know that though. It was better for him not to know. I was fine sleeping with him because if I decided to give him my heart instead of my body, he would probably hurt it again. I'd rather fuck him and leave with a satisfied pussy than to admit that I wanted him to give him another chance. The latter hurt worse than anything I've ever experienced. Kairo was and will likely always be a serial cheater. Imagine me giving him another chance when he could barely keep his big dick in his pants. He couldn't do it then and he definitely hasn't stopped now.

"Why are you fighting it?"

"Man, I ain't fighting shit. Just pick your car keys up off the floor and go," I told him. I didn't want to hear him anymore.

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