Chapter 10: Jennifer Hudson

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"It's time to roll Yani," I said before lighting my blunt.

"Give me a few more minutes," I heard her mumble in her sleep.

I just gave her what she wanted real quick but I was about to get ready to head out. I had some business to handle. I pushed Yanique a little to wake her ass up. She had to go.

"Kairo, I need a few minutes to get up and get myself together damn," she said to me.

I sucked my teeth, took a pull from the blunt and blew out the smoke. I went to the kitchen to fill up a pot with cold water. Walking over to the couch where Yanique was taking her nap, I dropped the water on her.

"Kairo! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She said before jumping up. She tried to swing on me but I dodged everything she was throwing.

"Yanique, I got some shit to take care of. It's time for you to go. Here's some bread. Go get your hair done and whatever else you gotta do," I told her. I watched her grab her clothes, sneakers, and coat. Then, I watched her leave the house. I was at my condo in the city where I took anybody that wasn't Ebony or my bitch. The groupie's came to this shit.

I took a quick shower and threw on a sweatsuit with some sneakers. It was cold as fuck out here. I hopped in my all black Honda Accord. This was my go to when I was running around handling my business. Good car and not too flashy. I was blasting some old G Herbo when my phone rang, interrupting my music.

"Now who the fuck calling while I'm listening to G Herbo?" I said to myself out loud. I glanced at the phone to see that it was my dad calling.

"Yo?" I said absentmindedly as I pulled up to a red light.

"Yo? Kairo don't make me buss you in your shit. Why in God's name would you do that?" My father barked down the phone.

"Why I do what? What I do?" I asked before laughing. I didn't mean to. I already knew what he was calling about.

"You know me and Hassan go way back. What made you give Jaleel a black eye and two fractured ribs?" My father asked me.

"I could've killed that nigga. Out of respect for his father, I let that nigga breathe," I told him.

"Kairo," my father said. I had the urge to call him Cartier or Daunte since he kept calling my name. But I knew not to fuck with my father. Especially when he sounded so upset.

"So him putting his hands on Ebony is cool? I'm supposed to let that shit slide?" I asked. I heard from Roland what went down with Ebony and Jaleel at Domo's house. It took every bit of me to keep from blowing that nigga head off. Like I said, I had respect for the relationship his father and my father had. I also ain't want his father, Hassan, to have to bury another family member. It was bad enough he lost his wife years ago so I decided to let him keep his only son. That nigga had shit twisted though. Not only has he brought Ebony around drugs, but now he was harming her physically.

Call me a sucker, delusional or a dumb ass nigga all you want, but everybody knew how I came behind that girl. I don't give a fuck what she did. She was mine, forever. I may have cheated, but she'll never say out her mouth that I put my hands on her.

"No it wasn't cool. But for business purposes, you keep your emotions out of it. You and Ducky work together. Y'all building an empire. I stay out the shit you do, but you gotta rethink what the fuck you doing Kairo. I'm serious," he said.

"Dad, I hear you. I know what I'm doing. I appreciate your advice." My father was the best nigga I knew. He was a stand up kind of guy. He was smart both in and out the streets. I knew he was talking facts. It's all about business. Emotions supposed to stay out of that. I ain't give a fuck though. I ran my shit how I saw fit. That nigga Jaleel was a bastard. Punk ass nigga ain't know what hit him when I fucking hit him. He needed some karate lessons or something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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