~The trio~AC~

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~Third person from the students of class 3E~

"Nagisa, what do we do? We can' just sit quietly while Angela is out on the loose, we can't let her destroy Y/n!" Nakamura urged as Nagisa kept pacing up and down trying to think of what to do.

"Ne Nagisa, what if we try this. We find the Mavarish Trio, explain everything, well not everything but the important parts and then get them to help us. Basically we get them to join forces with us, just for now until we get Y/n back. After that we can just ignore them." Karma suggested as he toyed with a knife. The class considered the option and decided it was the best plan at the moment and time really wasn't on their side so they went with it. 

Finding the trio was actually easier than they thought. Mostly because they were pacing around at the gates of the school. Karma walked towards the girls but Jamie stopped him. Jamie stood in between them. 

"Hey hey pretty boy, calm down. I'm not here to hurt your princesses. I am here to help you find the missing one." Karma smiled as the trio looked taken aback. 

"Who are you and how do you know Y/n?" Jamie was getting even more protective but of course Karma being Karma, he decided to toy with Jamie even more after seeing his reaction.

"OH Y/n and me? We go wayyy back! Yeah we nearly dated! She was so cute and mine until we decided to stay as friends, family more like it. But now my darling has disappeared and I want to get her back." Karma was getting too carried away. And the class knew that so they stepped out from behind the wall. Nagisa wacked Karma on the head as the class shook their heads.

"W- Who are all of you?" Ellie was shocked to say the least. 

"Ex class 3E. We come from Tokyo. Y/n was our ex-classmate. Have you ever heard of the class that managed to kill the monster that destroyed part of the moon?" Nakamura stepped up. The trio was once again taken aback from the information they just received.

"You mean you guys are that class 3E? And Y/n as well?" Lottie asked, finally finding her voice.

"Well more like we are class 3E and Y/n was an assassin who the government invited to help us assassinate Koro-sensei." Itona stepped up as well and clarified things.

"Wait, assassin?" Jamie was the one to speak this time.

"Ever heard of the assassin, Angela? That was Y/n's given name. She was the Angel killer. That was until she joined class 3E. When she came to our class, she changed. We helped her change for the better and then she was Y/n again. Angela was gone. But now, something triggered her and caused Angela to take over Y/n. Now Angela is someone here and is the biggest threat to us until we find her and get Y/n back."  Nagisa concluded as the trio looked uneasy.

"What?" Karma asked after seeing their reactions. 

"Well it's just, Y/n? Angela? Assassin? It does sorta add up in a way but it is still kinda hard to believe." Lottie explained. 

"Wow has she really changed that much?" Nagisa had to fake his surprise along with the class as they could not blow Y/n's cover.

"Well I guess you can say that." Ellie nodded as Jamie still looked unsure of something.

"Now what's wrong pretty boy?" Karma rolled his eyes.

"1. Don't call me pretty boy. 2. How can we trust you? I have never heard about any of this." Jamie stated as Karma sighed.

"I'll call you whatever I want and why don't you ask your dear Mavarish masters? Bet they will tell you somethings you never imagined. Anyways we decided to trust you with these information because this was the best option considering time is not on our side. Let me remind you guys again. Angela is on the loose and even I am afraid of her. Trust me if I am afraid of her you guys don't want to see the bad side of her. Now come on, we think we know where she is." Karma jumped up and onto the gates. The class followed and soon they were all running on the rose bush walls. The trio followed them but on the ground instead since they did not know how to do whatever the class just demonstrated. 

They ran and ran until they finally ran to...a bar? 

"What are we doing here? Aren't we underaged?" Lottie asked.

"You guys are, we, and Jamie, are not. And so is Y/n. This is no ordinary bar, stay close to us and I beg of you do not converse with any of them, no matter what." Isogai begged as Karma opened the door. The smell of alcohol immediately entered their lungs as they took a few steps in. 



The class walked quietly through the bar and to an elevator.

"Did Angela really have to choose this place?"

"She knows what we've done here, she knows the memories that will come back to us when we are here. She's smart." Terasaka sighed as he looked around. 

"What have you guys done here?" Jamie questioned.

"Things." Karma simply replied.

"We'll tell you later." Nagisa smiled apologetically at the trio as the elevator dinged.

Sure enough, Angela was there waiting for them on the Helicopter platform.

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