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A/n: Hello lovelies! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


I was up by 5:45. I told Jamie to be here by 6:30. Why is he here at 6?

"Surprised to see you here so early Jam Jam!" I chuckled at the nickname as Jamie turned around to face me.

"What's with the nickname? Princess~" Jamie played. 

"I give. You know what I got you here for right?" I smiled.

Jamie gave me a tight nod as we both positioned ourselves. Jamie was simply circling me as I returned the gesture. I narrowed my eyes as eyes stared into my head behind me. 

"Haruki Hinamori, it's rude to spy on people. It hurts to see how bad you are at it as well." I shouted, loud enough for Haru to hear me but not loud enough to wake everyone up. 

Haru sighed as he got up from his hiding place, standing on the sidelines still watching. Jamie raised an eyebrow but never took his eyes off of me. 

"Can yall stop walking and start fighting?" Haru groaned. 

I sighed as his whining. 

"Well pretty boy, let's dance!" I smirked as I charged at Jamie. Jamie saw the attack coming but was too slow to dodge it. He blocked the blow that was coming for his face but left his stomach open. I brought back my arm and landed two blows on his stomach, causing him to stumble backwards, slightly wincing. 

"I see all the time off from training has done things to you." I teased. Usually Jamie would have never allowed himself to get hit so easily. Jamie narrowed his eyes and came for me. 

I stepped back and suddenly charged forward, straight towards him. Jamie was surprised but his steps never faltered. Bringing back my arm, Jamie aimed for my chest. Of course I saw that coming too. Using my free hand to block his attack, it was easy for me to punch him in the face. However, this time Jamie was more prepared. He brought up one arm to deflect the blow. Jamie's partizan instincts must be coming back to him.

He angled his shoulder and banged my body. Digging my heels into the ground, I pushed back. Grabbing his arm, I lifted it and twisted so that I could push him to the ground, pinning him down. Jamie struggled out of my grip but I dug my knee into his back, keeping him down. Jamie stopped struggling and just when I thought he was going to give up, he pushed back with all his strength. My grip on him faltered and he took the opportunity to turn and swing his arm at me. 

He managed to slap me across the face and soon I was the one on the ground. Jamie punched my jaw as I groaned at the impact. Haru stifled a chuckle. 

"Hinamori, come here. " I growled. Haru genuinely looked scared as he walked towards us. 

"You spar with Jamie." I ordered. Haru looked at me with wide eyes as Jamie raised an eyebrow again.

"Yes Princess." Haru sighed as he got into position with Jamie. Haru gulped as he saw me staring right at him. 

"Fight." I said. Haru lunged at Jamie but of course Jamie was better trained than Haru. Both partizans wrestled around, throwing punches here and there but it was too pathetic to be called fighting since they were partizans. 

"I said to fight, not play around." I was getting impatient. Why was Jamie going so easy on Haru? Haru glanced in my direction and that was when Jamie's fist came into contact with Haru's cheek. Haru faltered backwards as Jamie continuously attacked Haru. This was a partizan's fight. I smiled as Haru finally got his head in the game and blocked some of Jamie's attacks. After a good 5 minutes, they were both panting. 

"Ok enough. Haru go wash up and meet the rest in the lounge room. Jamie walk with me." I reached out a hand to Jamie. He gladly accepted it and we started walking the halls of the mansion. 

"Why did you ask Haru to fight me instead?" Jamie asked to break the silence. 

"That was my plan all along, Haru needs to toughen up. What better way than to get him to fight his comrade? He needs to know he isn't the best here. That there are others who could easily beat him should it come down to him facing off an enemy." I said, closing my eyes. 

Silence followed once i ended my sentences but soon Jamie asked the question I never wanted to hear. 

"Y/n, are you ok?" 

"...I'm fine. Excuse me, I have something to do." I quickly brushed past Jamie and ran away. Haru and the others were in the lounge room and they are waiting for Jamie and me. But I knew that I couldn't stand being with them right now. I needed comfort. I needed to cool down. And of course, I find myself outside the training room. Somehow I always find myself here when I mindlessly walk around. I sighed as I pushed open the door. 

 I could have gone to my own room to train but the training room was just different. I walked straight to the punching bag, not bothering to put on my gloves. I summoned all my anger, frustration and confusion to my fists and starting punching away. I didn't stop when my knuckles tore and blood was on the bag. The pain only fueled me more, punching harder and faster. I even added in some kicks here and there. 

I punched, kicked and...sobbed. I was crying? I stopped when I realised felt the tear roll down my cheek and sobs came out of my mouth. I fell to my knees and brought my hands to my face, wiping away the tears that seemed to continuously flow down my face. But why was I crying? 

...Claude? Myself? Both?

"Heh, pathetic. " I muttered. I knew why I was crying. Sure Claude was the reason but I also was the reason. I let Claude change me cause I was finally giving up. There was no avoiding Claude getting onto the throne at this point. Jamie's here, Claude's plan is going into action, Ellie's lost, Lottie is gone. And me? I was giving up, after everything I was just going to give up. But...is this really what I'm going to do? Give up? 


My head was silent and so was the room. 


Absolutely not. There's no way I'm going to give up now. Everything's not over yet. I already told Jamie my plan, why just throw it away? Yeah, I'm going to follow through with the plan and save this whole messed up situation. 

"Heh...hahahah!" I laughed out loud randomly. A sudden spark lit up inside me, hope? Yeah, hope! What a lovely feeling...

"I see the old y/n is back or at least part of her." Haru and Jamie stood behind me. 

"Yeah, I guess she is. Bring it in guys!" I smiled. I actually smiled. Oh it's been so long.

The guys immediately hugged me and oh what a good feeling it was to be hugged. Haru let go first, leaving me and Jamie some time alone.

"Hey princess." Jamie smiled.

"Hey handsome." I smiled back. 

"Oh what a beautiful smile you have, how much I've missed it, missed all of this." Jamie sighed happily.

"Me too Jamie, I missed all of this too... still wanna carry out the plan?" I asked.

"Of course, we've gotta go let Lottie save her princess!" Jamie chuckled. I nodded, yeah we do. 

Let's go stop Claude and return everything to what it's meant to be...

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