𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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Kai quickly hid behind a shelf...holding his breathe. He was surely doomed now. He heared footsteps coming near him. He almost stopped breathing. He heared the footsteps come to a hault. Kai tried to peek from the shelf...but he found two round sparkling eyes looking at him. Shit. He was caught.

"I guess you know that i have seen you, so come out already."
The unknown guy spoke sending shivers down Kai's spine. He stepped out and now stood infront of the guy who was looking at him with a piercing gaze. Kai gulped in fear. Sweat was forming on his forhead. He clearly seemed anxious and scared.

"Can i know what is a prince like you is doing in my house?"
The guy asked kai and it was like his mouth was sealed. No words came out of his mouth. He himself doesn't knows why he entered this house and ended up causing this chaos.

"I'm asking you something...what are you doing here? And why did you touch my things without permission!? Wow i see you also ruined my NEW POTION WHICH I MADE AFTER TRYING FOR A WEEK!!"
The guy angrily spat angrily infront of Kai. If he was scared before... he's horrified now. The guy infront of him is a Warlock. So this wasn't a lab but a Warlock's house.

"Do you even have anything to say?"
He said again burning holes into Kai.

"I-i didn't m-mean to d-do all t-this, i was j-just curious...and this happened h-how i don't know."
Kai replied stuttering. The warlock looked very angry.

"You break people's things when you're curious? Fine then i curse people when I'm angry! I curse you...no woman shall ever love you...no matter what!"

"H-huh? No woman will ever love me?" Kai said in a confused tone.

"Yes you will never find your love! That's what you deserve for breaking my potion bottle you Little shit of a prince!"
The guy answered back....a smirk appeared on his face.

After a minute the prince spoke up-
"Uhhh....can i go now?"
The warlock didn't expected this question from the prince. He was supposed to beg him for taking back the curse...but he seemed unfazed? What?

"Why are you not scared?"
The warlock asked him... confusion written on his face. He seemed to have calmed down now.

"Well....i don't really care because i don't like girls anyways...so it's good for me! Girls won't like me anymore...Just like i always wanted."
Kai said smiling. He was gay so ofcourse he didn't like girls. The curse is beneficial for him.

Now the warlock was in shock...his spell backfired? He actually did the prince a favour instead of cursing him? Wow! Amazing! And this prince is now smiling at him? The audacity this guy has?

"Y-you...ugh! So you don't even care about the curse? Seriously?"

"No why would i? It's like a gift for me instead. Thanks Mr.Warlock. What is your name? I'm Prince Kai by the way."
The blonde said smiling... looking at the warlock.

"Welcome i guess? I'm Kang Taehyun."
Taehyun replied...still weirded out about the new fact he got to know about the prince.

Now that he wasn't angry anymore...he looked at the smiling Blonde Prince. He had an ethereal face....like of an angel. He had a perfect nose, beautiful eyes with triple eye-lids...which was unique and he had cute moles spread all across his face like stars. He was mesmerized.

"Uh? Taehyun? You're staring-"
Taehyun got out of his trance because of Kai's words. He realised the prince caught him staring and got embarassed but quickly hid it.

"No i was examining you. Well you can go now."
Phew glad he didn't embarassed himself more by stuttering.

"Okay! See you again sometime Taehyun."
Kai waved at Taehyun and walked out of his house.
But taehyun was still stuck at his feet...the prince's charms have seemed to affect him. Oh no-

Hey Luvs! This was the second chapter! Hope y'all enjoy reading it.
Also vote for TXT on Mama and EMA!! Fighting Moas!
Take care luvs💙byeee see y'all in mext chapter!

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