𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

377 41 36

☄️ 綁架王子 ☄️

"Well hopefully he doesn't knows about the 5:53 secret...maybe he just stumbled upon this forest coincidentally?" Yeonjun said, hoping the Prince actually doesn't knows about the 5:53 magic. No one knows about it.

"I doubt it can be a coincidence... according to the people in the town, the prince is very smart and powerful." Taehyun replied, a bit worried about the situation. If the prince knows about it, he could actually be a problem for the whole forest and it's residents. Humans were always a threat to them.

Yeonjun and Taehyun sat together on the couch in their living room, thinking about a possible way to deal with this inconvenience. Suddenly an idea popped inside Taehyun's brain-
"Hyung what if we kidnap him and bring him here? That way no one will ever know about this forest."

"Seriously Taehyun? Kidnapping the Prince? Do you think it will be that easy? And it will be more troublesome. He's a prince! If he goes missing, the whole royal family will be after us...and then more people will end up finding about the forest."

"Well yeah- you're right. We can't underestimate the power of these Humans. Well what if I convince the Prince to not tell about it to anyone?"

"And why would he listen to you?"

"Well.... I'll threaten him to take back my curse. It seemed like he was grateful for the curse."

Yeonjun's eyes lit in anticipation...this was actually a great idea.

"Yeah! That's actually a great idea!! We can blackmail him that way. Good Job Taehyun. But how will you meet him?"

"Leave that on me Hyung. I'll do it" Taehyun smirked and left the cottage, leaving Yeonjun in confusion.


Huening Kai was training alone on the practice ground. He was Swiftly Swinging his sword, sweat all over his forhead. Kai was actually a very good Fighter. His skills were not to be looked down at, and everyone in the town knew it. Afterall He was the Prince. Even the Princesses were able to sword-fight and the youngest was known for her Amazing Archery Skills. The Huening Family didn't lack in anything. That's why the other kingdoms barely tried to invade their reign.

The last invasion was in the time of Kai's grandfather, which led to a lot of bloodshed. And because the royal family is peace-loving, Kai's grandfather decided to stop fighting with the other kingdoms and maintain peace.
And it's peace till date. They actually have a very good bond with the neighbouring Kingdoms.

Everything was fine, and everyone were happy and lived prosperously...

But there was one problem with Huening Kai. His father was finding a suitor for him, which he declined many times, but his father ignored his words like the T in Tsunami. It annoyed the Prince very much.
Recently his father introduced him to Choi Hyerim, the Princess of Entrinia. They had a good bond with the King of Entrinia, Choi Seong-chul . And Kai's father thought that The daughter of King Seong would be perfect for Kai.

Choi Hyerim the daughter of King Seong-chul, is a beautiful and Nice woman. But the problem is Kai doesn't likes women. He has told this to his elder sister Lea and she supports him. But his father keeps saying- "you need to Marry her for maintaining the peace, Your grandfather worked so hard for. Plus Hyerim is a beautiful woman with a kind heart, so what's the problem?"

Well who's gonna tell him?

Back to Kai in the fighting ground. He was doing his usual practice, when he heared footsteps of someone. He paid no mind to it as it was normal for the Soldiers or maids to pass from here. He continued his practice.

"So the people were right. Your highness really has an entrancing aura and Enormous Power. I'm impressed."

Kai heared someone speaking, he stopped abruptly and turned towards the direction of the voice. His eyes widened in shock to see Taehyun the warlock who cursed him, standing there with a pleased smile on his face.

"What is he doing here?" Kai thought, watching the Warlock walk towards him.

"What are you doing here?" Kai asked Taehyun as he stood infront of him, with the same smile present on his face.

"Well, I'm here to talk to you about something and that something is related to your curse, So keep your silence and come with me."

Taehyun spoke, staring straight at Kai's eyes. Kai tilted his head in confusion but didn't speak a word.

"Okay, where are we going?" Kai asked putting his sword aside.

"You'll see, for now come with me. I won't kill you don't worry." Taehyun said with a chuckle.

"Oh i doubt you could" Kai replied, winking at Taehyun.

Taehyun felt flustered by the Prince's actions, but he kept his cool demanor, walking ahead. He recited a spell and a portal opened in the middle of the field. Kai stood there completely blown away by Taehyun's magic.
Taehyun smirked seeing Kai's reaction.

"I know it's fascinating, but for now you need to come with me."
And by saying that, he gestured Kai to come forward, and Kai did what he was told. Taehyun and Kai entered the portal and it vanished after that.

"No way!! What the hell was that!! I need to Tell Princess Lea!"

Hello Luvs!! Sorry for the late update, my exams are going on so i wasn't able to write it.
But now i did!! Enjoy reading!

Maybe I'll write the next chapter today too- so stay tuned!
Take care Luvs byeee💙

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