Chapter One: Fear

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"Fuck." Denki moaned as Izuku kissed down his jaw and to his throat.

They had made their way to a back room at the far end of the shop. One of the only rooms with a door that locked.

"Is this okay?" Izuku asked as he kissed down the man's chest, his hands finding the tent in his pants.

"Mhm." Denki nodded before his lips parted in a gasp as Izukus hand slipped under his waist band.

"Fuck, your hot." The man moaned his hands went up to touch the green curls.

But as he looked down at Izuku he started to notice a few things.

The man didn't have any tattoos. He had stretch marks but they seemed new.

He had a few normal scars as well and thankfully they seemed older than the stretch marks.

But still. Something in the way that Izuku spoke and acted...

"Focus." The Greenete whispered from where he kneeled between Denkis legs.

"Wait." The man said before Izuku could do anything more and the greenete sighed but looked up.

"What?" He asked and Denki bit his lip.

"You don't have any tattoos?" The man asked and Izuku frowned.

"No." He said and Denki stared at him.

"Personal choice?" He asked.

"" Izuku shook his head. "I'm not old enough." He said calmly and confused.

In that moment, Denki pushed the boy away from him and jumped down from the counter that he was on.

"What!?" He asked and he fixed his pants.

Izuku looked scared as he backed away.

"How old are you!?" Denki shouted and Izuku flinched.

"I- I'm sixteen." He said as his voice shook and a look of confusion washed over him.

Denki looked exasperated as he backed away from the teen.

"Sixteen...sixteen!?" He shouted and Izuku held himself. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me!?"

Izuku now looked at the man in shock and a bit of agitation, even tho he still shook in fear.

"What!? Denki I was wearing a highschool uniform!" He shouted. "I thought you knew?"

He'd realized that the blonde probably wasn't the smartest tool in he machanic shop as he watched the man's reaction.

Denki looked down to the shirt and tie that Izuku had taken off that litteraly had the school crest on the front of it.

"UA High." He read the inblem and blushed in embarrassment.

"Asshole." Izuku rolled his eyes, a little less threatened by the man now that he realized he was an idiot.

He walked over and snatched his shirt from the ground and then his tie, walking to the other side of the room as he got dressed in annoyance.

"I-if your in highschool why the fuck did you just try to suck my dick?"

"Because your cute. At least you were before I realized you were a fuckin moron." Izuku rolled his eyes as he stormed out of the room.


Izuku sat on the couch again now, biting his nails.

That could have gone a lot worse for him.

Luckily Denki seemed to be stupid and mostly incapable of any real harm. On top of that he seemed to be a good person who didn't want to fuck a child. Or hurt one for a mistake that was mostly his fault.

But Izuku was lucky that Denki didn't get violent. Things could have ended rather badly for him.

He shook a bit as he tried to get rid of the anxiety that had crept into him as soon as Denki started yelling at him.

Eventually a Shadow came over him and he looked up, finding Shinso.

"Hi." Izuku smiled and Hitoshi returned it.

"Hey." He said. "Denki filled me in."

Izuku frowned and looked away. "I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't realize he didn't know how to fuckin read."

"Yeah...Denki isn't the smartest." Shinso laughed. "Even so. Red flag if he did know you were 16 and still wanted to sleep with you."

"Honestly I don't care." Izuku groaned. He didn't feel like getting slut shamed by some poor people who he was paying to fix his car.

He didn't care if it was a pedophile who wanted to fuck him. As long as they were hot.

"Still. You can get yourself hurt like that." Shinso said and Izuku rolled his eyes.

"It was consensual. There for it was legal. Why do you guys care?" He asked. "He was more than okay with fucking me before he knew my age. So I don't see why the fuckin number matters."

Shinso didn't even hesitate. "So if Denki wanted to fuck a 13 year old girl and she consented, you'd be okay with that?"

The statement itself made Izuku want to puke.

"What the fuck?" He asked and Shinso grinned.

"See? Age isn't just a number. Children are still children no matter how fucked up our laws are. Just because its legal doesn't make it right."  The man said before he turned away and left.

Izuku rolled his eyes. He wasn't a thirteen year old girl. He wasn't a child no matter what anyone said.


Izuku had decided that his car was taking to long to get fixed and he'd have to leave it for the night.

Tho he wasn't happy about having to go back the next day.

Uraraka had picked him up and given him a ride to school, after lecturing him for being late once again.

Finally the day was over and he was able to go home.

The cool air of his house was better than the heat outside as he made his way in.

He just wanted to go upstairs and sleep but his father heard the door open.

"Zee?" Shota asked as he came into view.

Izuku sighed before facing the man with a smile.

"Hey, dad." He said brightly but Shota saw through it.

"What's up?" The man asked and Izuku shook his head.

"Just tired." He smiled.

The man frowned as Izuku semi lied to him. "You were late to school today. You missed three classes."

Damn office, snitching on him to his dad.

"Sorry. My car was being weird this morning and I had to take it into the shop." He said and Shota sighed.

"Izuku." He closed his eyes. "I swear I'm getting you a bike the next time you break another car."

"It's not my fault!" Izuku shouted as he turned to face his dad completely.

But in the act, his hair had moved and showed his neck.

"What is that?" Shota asked angrily as he pointed at the hickey, obviously knowing what it is.

Izuku's hand snapped up to cover his neck.

"Nothing." He said as he held his breath and his father glared.

"Who did that?" He asked and Izuku frowned and turned on his heel.

"No one." He said as he ran up the stairs.


"Leave me alone!"

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