Chapter Seven: Noose

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Izuku's teeth showed in his wide smile as his grinned against the wind that beat against his face.

The city lights reflected in his eyes and he was suddenly thankful for his change in scenery the past year from the suburban small towns he'd been oh so used to.

The music of his car blasted through the speaker as his fingers combed his shirt curls out of his face, his smile never faltering as he pulled the hair back, his body moving in the seat to the rhythm of the music.

One thing you learn in his line of work is to appreciate the art of music.

Because when your standing under the watchful, predatory gazes of others, their is usually nothing more you can do than close your eyes and allow the music to consume you.

Now the only watchful eyes were the green ones that met Izuku when he looked into the mirrors of his car, eyes he didn't recognize. Eyes he didn't trust.

Turning the mirror away from him, his face contorted, his happiness fading and being replaced with the exhilarating feeling of anger. Hate. Pain.

Screaming at nothing, Izuku pressed on the gas pedal harder.

Cars were left behind him in the form of lights and blurs as random tears began to streak his cheeks, his screams filling the streets as he sped through the streets, passing stop lights.

His screams died and were replaced with  bared teeth and rage, his breathing no longer painful but his lungs inflating to max capacity.

Eventually that breathing gave him enough oxygen to calm him, sending relief through his veins, and to the foot that was stomped on the gas.

The car slowed now, as well as his rapid mood switches, induced by the chemicals in his system but it was too late as the blue and red lights reflected in all surfaces.


"Shit..." Kace whispered as he stared at the spot where Izuku had been sitting literally ten seconds ago, yet knowing that in th

"Seven, you evil bitch." The man hissed and the red head only took another drag of their cigarette.

"You want to suppress him. Change him. He's happy right now. He feels like himself." They said, and Kace's chest heaved.

"His medication does that! He isn't himself right now! That's the fucking powder that he shoved into his damn skull!" Kace slammed his hands into the table.

Seven's eyes narrowed, "That medicine your talking about does so much worse than what I gave him. You want to stabilize him. Control him. You want him calm and emotionless. That isn't him. His mental Illness is still a part of him. It's just a part you can't except." Seven said coldly, but Kace remained uneffected and just as upset.

This person didn't know Izuku. They had only seen Izuku at rock bottom. But they hadn't seen him at his lowest.

"Seven." Kace spoke evenly and slowly. "You met Izuku when he was on the run, covered in blood, and had just been through hell." Kace said and the others eyes were trained on him. "You didn't know him when his entire life was an endless loop of hell that he refused to even acknowledge let alone escape." He said and Seven faltered for a moment.

That in itself was an accomplishment. Seven never faltered. Ever sure. Ever confident. Ever omnipotent.

But now they seemed to almost not be any of those things.

"You didn't see him when he was bruised and bloody but swearing he was fine and happy. You didn't know him when every second of his life, every moment you could catch him, he was high. Because that's all he can do to numb the pain."


"Fuck." Izuku's hands shook as the cop car was on his ass.

He took a deep breath as he slowly and finally decided that this car chase wasn't going to go his way.

Easing to the side of the ride, Izuku tapped his foot, watching the cop do the same.

The officer stepped out and Izuku kept his hands in the wheel.

What were the chances of him being recognized?

It had been a year.

What were the chances?

"Hey son, you were going like 70 in a 40." The man said as he leaned against the window. "And what the hell is this?" He asked as the green glitter like substance still floated about, landing in the greenetes hair.

Izuku swallowed hard.

Now the cop looked closer, past his dialated pupils and tear stained cheeks.

Izuku saw it the moment the man started connecting the dots.

He watched silently as the cop curiously went back his car and started talking into a radio.

It didn't take long for the cops eyes to go wide and he turned on his heel.


Izuku jumped out of the car and immediately was sprinting down the road, through the grass, and past buildings.

That stupid ass cop didn't even bother getting back in his car as he started the foot chase, and that's what Izuku was hoping for.

He might not have been able to beat the guy in a car race. But track? That was Izuku's shit.

Ducking under signs and jumping over benches, Izuku was quick to get at least half a yard ahead of the cop.

He could here the shouts behind him over the sound of his own heart beating in his ears and he could feel the others footsteps over the feeling over his pulse in his throat.




Even with the danger of the situation, Izuku found himself grinning along with the adrenaline that he felt like was a companion at his side, urging him forward along with the chemicals that acted as a friend, holding his hand and dragging him at rapid speeds to a location that was unknown to him.

With his two most familiar pals, Izukus feet hit the ground, pulling him further and further away from the police.

His curls beat against his skin as the wind hurtled against him but he continued to push past it. Continued to follow through the movements.

And continued....

Until he was met with a dark sign that came out of nowhere, hitting his head, hard.


Who the fuck was Victor Lake!?

That was Izuku's final thought before lights out.

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