Chapter One: Warm

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When Izuku got there he took off his shoes and stepped into the tiled living room, thankful that even though it was a lot cheaper of an apartment it was still alot cleaner than the last he was in.

In fact he could assume that at least one of the people who lived there were OCD of some sort.

There were three bedrooms and two bathrooms and from what he understood at least five people lived there.

The TV was big and had a PlayStation and Xbox connected.

The kitchen was a bit messy but he assumed they just hadn't done the dishes before work.

Minas room connected the living room to Katsukis.

They told him to make himself at home and his mind that meant explore.

He wouldn't have gone into any room besides Katsukis if it weren't for the fact that he had to go through Minas to get to the door to the blondes.

Minas room had cotton candy colors but also a lot of maroon and black.

She had band posters and merch on her walls but also stuffed animals and action figures.

She had a collage of pictures over her bed and when he looked most were the same people in the house right now.

One caught his eye where her and Katsuki were kissing at the top of a ferris wheel.

Then there was one that stood out.

Different from the rest there were only two pictures with him it. A red haired boy.

He hugged Mina as close as possible and she didn't look nearly as happy in any other picture as she did with him.

He wore a jean jacket that Izuku turned and noticed was on the foot of the bed.

He guessed he'd found the fifth roommate.

Izukus finger lingered on the picture of Katsuki and Mina for a moment before he decided his emotions couldn't handle this and he left for the door to Katsukis room.

Unlike Minas this room was much more chill and less colorful.

Their were led lights set on purple and the bed was smaller than Minas making the room look bigger.

There was a desk with a large circle rug under it but in the glow of the led lights Izuku couldn't tell what color anything was.

A gaming chair was in front of the computer desk and Izuku noted that he really wanted whatever model that one was.

So far he was smiling as he walked around the room until he came to the bed and found that same picture that was in Minas room. The ferres wheel.

He groaned as he tried to just shove himself into the bed and go to sleep. Finding comfort in the smell of Katsukis sheets.


Morning came like a rude awakening.

There was the buzz of life from the kitchen, the yelling of roommates from the living room and the absence of battery in the boys phone.

Izuku wanted to yell or groan but when he tried he found his voice hoarse.

That's when the day before hit him like a rock.

He curled in on himself as it all came back and he clutched his phone tightly wishing he could check his messages.

Moments later two people entered the room.

Katsuki and Denki.

They both came in to wake him up but their faces softened when they realized what state he was in.

"Come on nerd, Mina made Pancakes." Katsuki said in what Izuku called his nicest asshole voice.

Denki smiled at him softly. "We've got blue berries and bananas and chocolate chips-"

"Okay okay, I'm coming." Izuku laughed and so did the blonde as they walked out together.

Now with the lights on Izuku realized how homey the apartment was.

The walls were blues and yellows and there were memories in the paint where there were scratches or holes.

One looked suspiciously like a gun shot hole.

Mina yelled in Spanish as Shinso laughed, stealing a lick of batter on his finger from where she attempted to make muffins.

"Ey! Basta ya!" She shouted and Izuku could tell that whatever she was saying she was close to hitting him with the pan on the stove.

It was pure and wholesome chaos and it made Izuku smile as he stepped into the kitchen.

Eyes were on him and everyone smiled telling him good morning as they bustled around and passed plates of food around the room.

"Good morning." He smiled as he tried to pull his shirt down more.

He felt as though he was being disrespectful in front of his elders.

"Damn nice Chain. God I can't wait to be rich." Shinso laughed and Izuku blushed.

"Ooh what is that silver?" Denki asked as he held the necklace in his hand and Izuku tensed up realizing the blonde had no concept of personal space or boundaries considering what they had done in the past.

"Sorry about that. He's a bit ADHD." Shinso laughed as he pulled the blonde away like an owner with a leash and let him fall into his lap as they laughed and ate breakfast.

"Coffee?" Katsuki asked as he offered a cup to Izuku and he gladly took it with a thank you.

He mixed in his sugar and cream while he listened to the noise die out in the background while Mina finished with breakfast and left the muffins to the oven.

Katsuki and Mina ate in the living room while Izuku sat at the table with Denki and Shinso.

"So how ya feeling?" The purple haired man asked.

Izuku didn't want to answer.

"Your roots are showing." He said instead as he noticed the black protruding from his scalp.

Izuku was a very observant kid. It was usually useful considering it's the same sense that was able to tell him when a place's vibes were off.

Now he wished he'd just listened to it more often.

Shinso laughed as his hand subconsciously rubbed at his roots.

"I'll touch em up for you Tomorrow babe." Mina called out as she put on Hulu.

Izuku smiled before he noticed something.

"Wasn't there another guy who lives here? Was it that red head?" Izuku asked and they laughed.

"That's Kiri. He doesn't live here he just crashes at night in my room. I sleep out here. He was here last night but you missed him when you passed out." She said, and Izuku nodded.

He wanted to ask if they were together or if her and Katsuki were but decided against it and just enjoyed that morning.

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