111 Chapter Seven: Sheild

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Hair holds memories.
It's a really stupid cliche. Anything about you can hold memories. Scars. Teeth. Eyes.

But hair would be a good metaphor.
Because in the midst of all our shit and our chaos and our insecurities.
Those fucking strings of dead skin will always get the shit end of the stick.

Take Izuku's dead skin for example. The black curls that had spent years working so hard the grow so long, now fell on the floor around his feet.

His eyes were lidded but aware as they stared at his reflection. His body moving around as his hair was pulled and cut gently.

"It's going to be okay." Kirishima said as he snipped the scissors and watched the strands fall away through the teeth of a comb.

Izuku remained silent as he sat in the chair of Hitches bathroom.

They shouldn't have gone back to her house but they had no where's else to go.

"We can't stay in America. We need to go. You need to go." Kirishima said as he finished the man's hair and pulled away, grabbing a broom.

Looking down at the hair pile, seeing black hair that was sticky with crimson, Kirishima couldn't help but be reminded of that room.

The blood.

The men covered in blood.

He looked up to find Izuku still dressed in the same long sleeve shirt he'd worn when they found him.

A shirt with no pants.

"Izuku... what happened?" Kirishima asked and the man was silent for a bit.

"We have to go." He said as he walked out of the bathroom and to Hitches dresser.

He pulled on shorts and pulled his freshly cut hair into a bun that unraveled at the sides, not ling enough to fit in the tie.

"Izuku, you have to tell me what I'm getting into. Those men were covered in blood. Why? What happened?" He asked. He avoided using the words, what did they do to you.

"...It was self defense Eijiro. I'll explain later but right now...." He was trembling. His whole body shaking as his nails cut into his palms anf he glared at the floor.

"Okay. Okay." The red head said as he brought the other into his chest and Izuku collapsed into him, crying.

"Ejiro, we need to leave. Now." Izuku said and the other nodded.

Hitch and Harry were already down stairs with Eli with a plan to help them get out.


"Fuck." Izuku said as he checked his phone and saw another missed call notification.

"It's okay." Kirishima smiled as he reached over and held the man's hand while his other continued to drive.

They were back in Japan now and it was about two in the morning.

They had taken turns driving at first but then Kirishima had fallen asleep and Izuku didn't wake him up for six hours.

Now that he was awake he was dead set on driving the rest of the way.

Hitch knew about a place that her dad owned where Izuku could hide.

Kirishima knew it wasn't ideal and even insisted Izuku should find another way.

But Izuku knew their weren't many options.

And Kirishima understood.

He just wasn't a fan.

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