Chapter three: Lovely

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It was the day before Izuku's birthday.

It would have been nice to say everyone was asleep but on the contrary, they were all woken up bright and early that morning.

They had all heard loud noises from the kitchen and that was followed by something smashing and yelling.

When they had huddled outside of their doors they found a scene of blood shed and broken glass.

Ash and Katsuki we're fighting. This time more violent than the last.

Ash already had a busted lip and Katsukis face was swelling. They continued to yell about something none of the others could make out while pushing and shoving one another, landing punches every now and then and they were crashing into pantries and walls and counters.

"What the fuck happened!?" Mina yelled as she ran into the fight and grabbed Katsuki, wrapping her arms around him as he thrashed and tried to run at her, Shinso more than calmly doing the same as he restrained Ash.


30 minutes ago

"Oh." Ash said as he stepped out of Minas room and found Katsuki at the table, going through his computer to order Izuku some presents for his birthday.

The blonde just made a face at him and didn't look up from his screen.

Ash roled his eyes and went to make some coffee before his thoughts apparently rambled off of his tounge and accidentally slipped out.

"So it doesn't bother you?" He asked and Katsuki looked up.

"What? You? No you definitely bother me." He said and Ash roled his eyes, turning around and leaning on the counter to drink his coffee and face the man at the same time.

"No I mean... Izuku's 18th birthday." Ash clarified.

Katsuki knew where this was going.

"And why would that bother me?" He asked anyway, looking into Ash's eyes as the other looked down into his coffee.

"Oh I don't know...just, a reminder that he's not actually 18? And hasn't been for the past...what was it? 2 years?" He commented with a shrug, his natural urge to antagonize Katsuki -and really anyone else- showing through his calm facade that morning.

And Katsuki couldn't claim that it wasn't working.

"Fuck off, Ash!" The blonde barked, his muscles tensing as the other just got more fueled.

One thing Ash did realize was that Katsuki would never act delusional or invalidative towards how serious the situation was. He'd never act like Izuku wasn't as young as he was and he'd never deny that it was wrong. But he was good at trying to avoid the topic or acknowledgment of it all.

"Or what huh? Am I wrong?" Ash yelled back at him and Katsuki slammed his fist onto the table, standing up.

Ash grinned as he saw it, launching himself off of the counter as his biceps flexed out in the open, through his muscle shirt, his heart racing and adrenaline kicking into overdrive as he finally got the reaction he'd wanted.

"Fuck you!" Katsuki yelled, and inch away from the other, looking up at him.

"Been there done that. But not nearly as well as your doing that kid in there huh?" Ash antagonized him, grinning like a mad man as he leaned in close to Katsuki's face.

"Fuck! Why you gotta act like that!?" The blonde yelled, pushing at the others chest.
And even tho it was the reaction he'd wanted, tho it was why he was grinning in the first place, the man still stopped smiling, an expression of anger crossing his features like Katsuki had ruined all the fun.

Worth (KiriDeku)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon