Deity VS Demon

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Up on Skyloft

Time POV

I looked at Twi and Warriors asleep on Hospital beds. The news was the worst it had been and Wind has been in tears since.

Infact we have all been down at the situation.

It turns out the thing in Twilight's Leg was no ordinary tooth.

It was eating him up Inside out. The black veins was what the Doctors called 'Corruption'. It was making Twilight Very feral and Weak. He was beast Like but I guess it was just the Tooth Making him act Odd

The worst part is the Doctors think he only Has four days left. Normally the average Skyloftian would last a day but his strength mixed with a Gift from Hylia, Made him last a bit longer.

And apparently Only Sky knew what to do in a situation like this.

We where told by the Nurses he had also gotten bitten and fixed it himself with a special Potion made from Now Extinct Slimes.

Just our Luck.

Warriors wasent any better.

He's been given Health potions but he hasent awoken since the fall. He is slowly healing but he's drifting in and out.

The doctors said they are trying there best but I know they can do better.

"We need to find Sky. Now". I said our of the blue, Breaking the silence.

"But how?! We barely know where he is!" Four said.

"I know a basis of a location. It's on the surface. It's apparently through a portal by the place we fought the big Black thing Zelda calls 'The Imprisoned.' it was made by Demise to protect the in-between worlds. That is where the castle is. We barely killed the Imprisoned and now we should, Theoretically, Be able to get to Sky."
I said Triumphantly. The group perked up at that.

"Well we can't leave these guys here. Someone has to stay" Hyrule said.

"I- I'll stay.. I don't think I'm up for Fighting..." Wind said.

"I'll stay with ya buddy" Legend said. He was close with Wind, along with Warrior.

"So, the rest of us go?" I asked. They nodded.

I stood up, they followed Suit.


We went outside and met with Zelda who was by the edge.

"The clouds are thin enough to get through, but I will Waypoint for you."

She pointed to a broken Bridge

"Below there is the Sealed grounds. The goddess statue is on top but has been relocated to the sky once more when you awoke the Monster. I have crafted some sailcloth's for you to ease down. They work as a paraglider. May I bless you and wish you luck" She said handing over the sailcloth's.

We all looked at them. Well crafted.

She played her Harp and I felt full of Courage. I nodded to my group and jumped off the edge. They followed.

Wild had his own Paraglider. It was quite amazing and had Tassels out the back of it. We used the Sailcloth's and flew down to the place we where told.


The surface was calm but had a uneasy Feeling. I glided down to the Centre and looked at the Odd thing in the middle.

"That was on The Imprisoned" Wild said.

"Must be the gateway" Hyrule Thought aloud

I nodded and used my hand with a now glowing triforce and put it on the Engraved Triforce. It glowed a bright Yellow, then red. A black portal opened Up beneath us and we fell through.

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