Chapter 1: Ready, Steady, Fight!

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Your eyes snapped open as your senses pulled you out of your sleep, and you turned to the side just in time to avoid the boot that was coming crashing down toward your chest. You used the momentum of your turn to roll to your feet, staying low as you realized there were two people up on your roof section with you. The ship was sailing, and the sun was unforgivably high in the sky. Sleeping so soundly sprawled out on the roof of the ship was maybe a little more arrogant than you had intended.

"See Killer? Not dead yet." The man who spoke was large. While he was tall and broad-shouldered, there was something about him that was simply big. He loomed effortlessly, and his bright red hair went well with the crimson red fur around his shoulders.

You noticed the man he was talking to only because the red head had been talking to him. Killer, if that was his name, wore a blue and white stripped mask with holes in it, had the wildest blonde hair you'd ever seen, and was wielding two scythe style blades. For some reason his name and mask tickled some memory in you that you couldn't risk focusing on right now.

What did have your attention was the pulse of devil fruit powers coming from the red head that had nearly put his boot through your stomach while you were sleeping.

"Top of the morning, gentlemen." You kept looking between them. Between your ability, your geppo and your armament haki, you were mostly sure you could get out of this alive.

"Cheeky shit, aren't you?" The red head seemed amused. The blonde seemed mute so far. "What in the fuck are you doing on my ship, brat?"

"I was napping," you answered, testing the tension you shifted back, and that was enough to send things into a flurry.

Killer moved wicked fast and the only thing that worked in your favor was how shocked him and the red head were when you caught his blade with your barehand. Well, they didn't know about Haki yet, or hadn't expected you to use it, either way it gave you a chance to control the tempo of the fight. The swing of Killer's weapon wouldn't have done any serious damage. Seems the order of the day was to pin you down and have a long chat.

You shove yourself out from under Killer's blades, stepping away and standing up completely. You were shorter than both of them, but by less than a foot. You didn't have a weapon, but all you needed to do was touch the red head and you'd have, hopefully, an upper hand. The blonde was giving off a focus that made you nervous, but the red head seemed to be enjoying things the more chaotic they got.

You knocked another attack from Killer aside and shifted toward the other guy. His grin was a little alarming, and you weren't sure what power his devil fruit was. Even if he turned into fire, you still only needed to touch that fire and you'd be in business. You decided to go high instead of low and leapt up, pulling your arm back and getting ready swing.

Red was faster than you expected, but the end result was what you wanted. His hand caught your punch, his grin going wide as he realizes you'd thrown a solid punch, but for you it had been like punching brick. You hadn't used your haki because you weren't trying to kill either of these guys, but you probably should've. Once he caught your hand though, it was your turn to grin.

One of the biggest reasons you'd left CP9 behind was because eventually you realized you had a unique gift. When you touched someone who had consumed a devil fruit, you could copy that ability. If you concentrated, you could block their ability to use their own power, but copying was more fun. In CP9's eyes, since you weren't yourself a devil fruit user and could still swim, that made you important, and useful.

You knew why you could do what you could do, but it wasn't like anyone would've believed you, and you had no desire to tell anyone the truth of things anyway.

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