Chapter 12: Requested

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A/N - I had control of this chapter for like 750 words, after that it did what it wanted, and I hope you still enjoy it. I was not in control.

Thanks to the eternal log poses you nearly sacrificed your sight for, the Kid Pirates were able to move through the first half of the Grand Line as they pleased. Much to your dismay however, 'as they pleased' seemed to be systematically checking out every single island they could find. Including ones that weren't the current destination.

You knew the Grandline wasn't 100% mapped out, but you were surprised at every little scrap of rock Eustass was able to find and impressed by his general curiosity. Once the Captain's curiosity was sated, and the stores were refilled, the crew was off to the next location. The Kid Pirates relaxed by being on the seas, and you were starting to think you were the only one who still preferred dry land.

Weeks of traveling with the crew passed by and you realized a few things. One of your initial assumptions about the Kid Pirates was correct – they weren't the terrors that the Marines and the Government had made them out to be. They weren't saints, not by any stretch of the word, but you left a lot of villages intact, and one time the crew helped rebuild a town that had been destroyed by a squall that had tore through just before you had all arrived. The only time things went sour was when someone from outside the crew started something.

The crew was, during those events, merciless.

One day you were looking through the eternal log poses and seeing if there were any for places you didn't know anything about. You got through most of them when you came across the eternal pose for Water 7 and were reminded of a conversation from weeks ago when you had utilized Trafalgar Law's ability and freaked everyone out.

You took off from the storage room and found the Captain and Killer talking. You tossed the log pose toward Kid and smiled as he caught it without looking – his observation haki was finally improving.

"What's up, brat?" He asks, looking at the eternal pose.

"We need to go there."

"Water 7's the shipwright island, isn't it?" Killer tilts his head. "We've got Boogie, Reck and Kid, we don't need a shipwright."

"You're not wrong, but Water 7 also has a scrap island. It's so big it survives the yearly Aqua Laguna. The residents don't exactly hang out there, so it's a good place to see how much I can push Kid's devil fruit ability." You explain. "Plus, the city itself is just cool. They're okay with pirates so long as you don't go berserk on 'em, and even if you don't need repairs, Galley-La's a sight worth the price of renting a few bulls."

"How do you know so much about Water 7?" Kid asks, setting the pose on the table.

"It's near Guanhao." You admit and your face darkens. "Guanhao's where they train CP kids. I guess while we're on the topic I'd like to request we don't ever go there."


"Well, I can't order you, Captain," you admit with a smile that's bright compared to your earlier expression. "But I still stand by my original sentiment."

"Better a pirate than dead, and better dead than caught." Kid muses, remembering your first day on the ship. "Sure thing, brat. So long as Paradise doesn't slam us into Guanhao on its own, we won't go there."

"And Water 7?"

"You and Killer can get us on course," Kid stretches. "An island full of scrap sounds like a good place for most of the crew."

Sending both you and Killer to get the ship on course was Kid's way of dismissing Killer for the day and letting the two of you have time together. You had heard him yelling at his friend one day about how the whole crew knew the two of you were together, and why in the hell was Killer there with Kid and not with you.

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